天津中医药  2020, Vol. 37 Issue (6): 656-660


赵佳, 王旭, 高树明, 李琳, 高杉, 李春洁, 于春泉
ZHAO Jia, WANG Xu, GAO Shuming, LI Lin, GAO Shan, LI Chunjie, YU Chunquan
Comparative study on TCM syndrome evaluation scale of phlegm and blood stasis syndrome in coronary heart disease with stable angina pectoris
天津中医药, 2020, 37(6): 656-660
Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2020, 37(6): 656-660


收稿日期: 2020-03-20
赵佳1 , 王旭2 , 高树明2 , 李琳2 , 高杉2 , 李春洁1 , 于春泉2     
1. 天津市胸科医院, 天津 300222;
2. 天津中医药大学, 天津 301617
摘要:[目的] 探索冠心病稳定型心绞痛痰瘀互结证患者、气阴两虚证患者与健康人中医证候评价量表异同。[方法] 通过多中心、小样本、精细化临床研究,纳入7家临床单位124例受试者,因未完成访视脱失7例,最终纳入受试者117例,其中冠心病痰瘀互结证患者38例,在西医常规治疗的基础上加服丹蒌片治疗,气阴两虚证患者39例,在西医常规治疗的基础上加服通脉养心丸治疗,健康人40例不予干预。比较冠心病患者0、4、8、12周、健康人第0周《冠心病痰瘀互结证中医证候评价量表》评分情况。[结果] 1)冠心病痰瘀互结证患者第4、8、12周时,各症状评分及舌下脉络青紫情况较0周不同程度降低(P < 0.05或P < 0.01)。2)冠心病气阴两虚证患者第4、8、12周时,各症状评分较0周有所下降(P < 0.05或P < 0.01)。3)与健康人比较,冠心病痰瘀互结证患者各项评分具有统计学差异(P < 0.01),冠心病气阴两虚证患者各症状评分及舌质紫暗、舌下脉络青紫、脉弦、脉涩情况具有统计学差异(P < 0.05或P < 0.01),冠心病两组患者各时点比较,部分指标及舌脉情况存在不同程度差异。4)冠心病痰瘀互结证患者0、8周时,身重、口黏腻、苔腻、脉滑、舌有瘀斑瘀点聚为一类,脉弦、舌质紫暗、舌下脉络青紫、脉涩、口唇青紫、面色晦暗聚为一类;冠心病气阴两虚证患者0、8周时,胸闷、胸痛、身重、口黏腻、口唇青紫、面色晦暗聚为一类,舌有瘀斑瘀点、舌质紫暗、脉涩聚为一类。[结论] 冠心病稳定型心绞痛痰瘀互结证与气阴两虚证患者经治疗后,《冠心病痰瘀互结证中医证候评价量表》中相关症状表现均有所改善,且不同证型的表现不同。《冠心病痰瘀互结证中医证候评价量表》可以为进一步临床诊断冠心病稳定型心绞痛痰瘀互结证提供一定参考。
关键词冠心病稳定型心绞痛    痰瘀互结证    气阴两虚证    中医证候评价量表    



1 资料与方法 1.1 一般资料


1.2 诊断标准、纳入标准、排除标准、观察中止标准、治疗方法及合并用药规定


1.3 CHD稳定型心绞痛中医证候评价指标



1.4 伦理学审查


1.5 临床注册


1.6 数据录入与统计分析

使用EpiData 3.1数据库双人双录入数据,由培训合格的两名专业人员分别将数据录入计算机,采用Epidata3.1建立数据库,进行数据录入。将根据研究内容编写数据录入指南,并在数据录入前,对数据录入人员进行专门的录入培训。数据录入人员根据录入指南进行数据录入。

统计分析采用SPSS 24.0软件进行,计量资料以均数±标准差(±s)表示,重复测量计量资料的比较采用重复测量方差分析,组间比较采用单因素方差分析;计数资料以率(%)表示,重复测量计数资料的比较采用广义估计方程,组间比较采用χ2检验。0、8周两个时点冠心病痰瘀互结证、气阴两虚证患者的中医证候评价量表分别进行聚类分析。P<0.05认为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果 2.1 《冠心病痰瘀互结证中医证候评价量表》比较结果



气阴两虚证患者各症状评分及舌质紫暗、舌下脉络青紫、脉弦、脉涩情况具有统计学差异(P0.05或P0.01)。服用通脉养心丸4周后,各症状评分较0周有所下降(P0.05或P0.01);治疗8周后,各症状评分及舌质紫暗、舌有瘀斑(瘀点)、舌下脉络青紫、苔腻情况较0周降低(P0.05或P0.01),其中胸闷、胸痛评分较4周呈下降趋势(P0.01);12周随访,胸闷评分与8周比较下降(P0.01)。结果见表 1表 2

表 1 CHD痰瘀互结证中医证候评价量表症状比较结果(±s Tab. 1 Comparing results of symptoms of traditional Chinese medicine syndrome evaluation scale of the phlegm and blood stasis syndrome(±s)
表 2 CHD痰瘀互结证中医证候评价量表舌脉情况比较结果 Tab. 2 Comparing results of tongue and pulse presentations of traditional Chinese medicine syndrome evaluation scale of the phlegm and blood stasis syndrome
2.2 聚类分析结果


结果提示心绞痛症状如胸闷、胸痛可聚为一类,但与其余症状聚类结果较分散无明显规律,身重、口黏腻、苔腻、脉滑等痰证表现多聚为一类,口唇青紫、面色晦暗、舌质紫暗、舌有瘀斑瘀点、舌下脉络青紫等瘀证表现多聚为一类。见图 1

图 1 冠心病痰瘀互结证中医证候评价量表聚类分析结果 Fig. 1 Cluster analysis results of traditional Chinese medicine syndrome evaluation scale of the phlegm and blood stasis syndrome
3 讨论




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Comparative study on TCM syndrome evaluation scale of phlegm and blood stasis syndrome in coronary heart disease with stable angina pectoris
ZHAO Jia1 , WANG Xu2 , GAO Shuming2 , LI Lin2 , GAO Shan2 , LI Chunjie1 , YU Chunquan2     
1. Tianjin Chest Hospital, Tianjin 300222, China;
2. Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
Abstract: [Objective] To explore the similarities and differences of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) syndrome evaluation scale between patients with and phlegm and blood stasis syndrome, qi and yin deficiency syndrome in coronary heart disease (CHD) stable angina pectoris and healthy people. [Methods] Through a multi-center, small sample and refined clinical study, 124 subjects in 7 clinical units were included in the study and 7 cases were lost, finally 117 subjects were included, including 38 cases of phlegm and blood stasis syndrome patients with conventional Western treatment and traditional Chinese medicine Danlou Tablets, 39 cases of qi and yin deficiency syndrome patients with Western treatment and Chinese medicine Tongmai Yangxin Pills, and 40 cases of healthy people without intervention. The scores of TCM syndrome evaluation scale of coronary heart disease with phlegm and blood stasis syndrome were evaluated at different time points in different groups and groups. Coronary heart disease patients were detected at 0th, 4th, 8th and 12th week, respectively, and at the 0th week, the level of healthy people was detected. [Results] 1) At the 4th, 8th and 12th week of CHD with phlegm and blood stasis syndrome, the scores of each symptom and sublingual vein bruise were significantly lower than those of 0th week (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). 2) At the 4th, 8th and 12th week of CHD patients with qi and yin deficiency syndrome, the score of each symptom decreased compared with 0th week (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). 3) Compared with healthy people, there were significant differences in scores among patients with CHD of phlegm and blood stasis syndrome (P < 0.01). Patients with CHD of qi and yin deficiency syndrome were significant differences in scores of each symptom and dark purple tongue (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). CHD in two groups at different time points, some indicators and tongue existed different degrees of difference. 4) Patients with CHD, phlegm and blood stasis syndrome 0th, 8th weeks, weight, mouth sticky, greasy moss, slippery pulse, tongue ecchymosis clustered together, while pulse string, dark purple tongue, pulse astringent, purple lips, dark complexion clustered together. CHD qi and yin deficiency syndrome patients at 0th, 8th weeks, chest tightness, chest pain, weight, mouth sticky, lips purple, dull complexion, tongue stasis, dark purple tongue, astringent pulse clustered together. [Conclusion] Patients with CHD phlegm and blood stasis syndrome, qi and yin deficiency syndrome showed improvement in the TCM syndrome evaluation scale indicators after treatment, and two syndromes showed different presentation. It suggested CHD phlegm and blood stasis syndrome TCM syndrome evaluation scale can provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and treatment of CHD patients with stable angina pectoris of phlegm and blood stasis syndrome.
Key words: coronary heart disease with stable angina pectoris    phlegm and blood stasis syndrome    qi and yin deficiency syndrome    TCM syndrome evaluation scale