天津中医药  2021, Vol. 38 Issue (1): 131-136


牛红娟, 左祥宇, 庞宗然
NIU Hongjuan, ZUO Xiangyu, PANG Zongran
Research progress of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in type 2 diabetic mellitus with sarcopenia
天津中医药, 2021, 38(1): 131-136
Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2021, 38(1): 131-136


收稿日期: 2020-09-10
牛红娟 , 左祥宇 , 庞宗然     
中央民族大学药学院, 民族医药教育部重点实验室, 北京 100081
关键词2型糖尿病    肌少症    脾主肌肉    蛋白质代谢    

糖尿病是一组以高血糖为典型临床特征的慢性代谢性疾病。流行病学数据显示,中国目前约有1.164亿糖尿病患者,居世界首位。同时也是老年糖尿病患者最多的国家,人数已达3 550万,主要为2型糖尿病(T2DM)[1]。肌少症是一种与增龄相关,以肌肉质量降低,力量和功能逐渐丧失为临床表现的疾病。衰老相关的肌少症使老年人虚弱、跌倒、残疾、住院及死亡风险增加,严重降低了老年人生活质量,在一定程度上加重了医疗及社会负担[2-3]。目前,全球肌少症患病人数约5千万[4]。肌肉衰减常与T2DM并存,且随着年龄增长,两者患病率均呈显著上升趋势[5]。T2DM对骨骼肌退行性病变具有加剧作用,研究认为肌少症可作为糖尿病又一慢性并发症[6]。文章综述了近年来中西医对糖尿病肌少症的研究,以期对疾病有进一步认识。

1 肌少症的现代医学认识 1.1 肌少症的定义与诊断

1989年美国学者Irwin Rosenberg首次将与增龄相关的“骨骼肌质量与功能丧失”命名为肌少症[7]。2011年国际肌少症工作组定义为:与增龄相关的进行性、全身肌量减少和/或肌强度下降或肌肉生理功能减退的疾病[8]。肌少症包括肌肉质量、强度与功能3个方面损害。

由于饮食、环境、体型特征及种族的差异,目前国际上各地区肌少症工作组形成了各自本土化的肌少症共识,但尚无统一的诊断标准。1998年Baumgartner等[9]发表了最早的诊断标准,即根据四肢骨骼肌量指数评价肌少症,但仅限于肌肉质量减少程度的评估。后续制定的欧洲老年骨骼肌减少症工作组(EWGSOP)、肌少症亚洲工作组(AWGS)及美国国家卫生研究院诊断共识,逐步增加了肌肉力量及功能的诊断项目,并为诊断变量指定了分界点,完善了内容。2019年EWGSOP强调将肌肉力量作为肌少症的第1个组成部分[10],突出了肌力在肌少症诊断中的重要性。目前中国使用的是AWGS制定的诊断标准[11]:1)应用双能X射线吸收法(男性 < 7.0 kg/m2,女性 < 5.4 kg/m2)或生物电阻抗法(男性 < 7.0 kg/m2,女性 < 5.7 kg/m2)测定四肢骨骼肌质量指数。2)使用握力测定肌肉力量:男性 < 26 kg,女性 < 18 kg。3)用步速测定身体活动能力,6 min步行试验步速 < 0.8 m/s。符合1)且满足2)和/或3)可诊断为肌少症。

1.2 肌少症的疾病特征



1.3 糖尿病与肌少症的关联




1.4 糖尿病肌少症的病理机制



1.5 糖尿病肌少症的西医治疗





2 肌少症的中医学认识 2.1 脾与糖尿病肌少症




2.2 糖尿病肌少症的中医治疗




3 总结与展望


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Research progress of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in type 2 diabetic mellitus with sarcopenia
NIU Hongjuan , ZUO Xiangyu , PANG Zongran     
School of Pharmacy in Minzu University of China, Key Laboratory of Ethnic Medicine in Ministry of Education, Beijing 100081, China
Abstract: As a chronic complication of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), sarcopenia seriously affects the quality of life of the elderly and increases the medical and social burden. At present, there is no unified understanding of the diagnostic criteria of sarcopenia in western medicine, and the specific etiology and pathogenesis are not clear. Meanwhile, there is no targeted treatment yet. Diabetes can stimulate the aging patients to lose more muscle and change the composition of muscle and fat. Blood glucose may cause more serious damage to skeletal muscle than age. As the largest target organ of insulin, skeletal muscle protein metabolism imbalance may be the key pathogenesis of diabetic sarcopenia. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that "spleen dominates muscle", and clinical observation is highly related to the possible mechanism of T2DM sarcopenia, which can be used as theoretical guidance for internal and external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. By summarizing the research progress of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine on diabetic sarcopenia, this paper aims to provide new ideas for the explanation of disease mechanism and prevention and control of traditional Chinese medicine.
Key words: type 2 diabetes mellitus    sarcopenia    spleen dominating muscle    protein metabolism