天津中医药  2022, Vol. 39 Issue (11): 1483-1489


赵魁, 徐喆, 夏雪萍, 盛新, 庞晨旭, 边育红
ZHAO Kui, XU Zhe, XIA Xueping, SHENG Xin, PANG Chenxu, BIAN Yuhong
Modern research evolvements of Suanzaoren Decoction in treating insomnia by regulating circadian rhythm
天津中医药, 2022, 39(11): 1483-1489
Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2022, 39(11): 1483-1489


收稿日期: 2022-07-25
赵魁1 , 徐喆1 , 夏雪萍1 , 盛新2 , 庞晨旭1 , 边育红1     
1. 天津中医药大学中西医结合学院, 天津 301617;
2. 天津中医药大学第一附属医院肾病科, 天津 300381
关键词酸枣仁汤    昼夜节律    失眠    综述    



昼夜节律系统,是受生物钟基因(BCG)和钟控基因(CCG)驱动的一种生物钟系统。在基因的驱动下,机体的生命活动大致以24 h为周期而产生振荡规律现象[4]。地球上的生命受这种昼夜交替所形成的节律支配,如果这种节律发生紊乱,将会导致失眠、抑郁等病理现象的发生[5]。睡眠—觉醒节律就是一种与睡眠相关的昼夜节律[6]。近年来,基于昼夜节律探讨酸枣仁汤治疗失眠的机制被大家广泛关注。因此,文章归纳整理了酸枣仁汤基于调节昼夜节律治疗失眠的相关文献,以期为进一步探索酸枣仁汤的作用机制提供参考。

1 酸枣仁汤对下丘脑视交叉上核(SCN)中相关基因的调节 1.1 调节SCN内即刻早期基因(IEGs)的表达



1.2 调节SCN内生物钟基因(BCG)的表达



2 酸枣仁汤对中枢神经递质及其受体的影响 2.1 调节5-羟色胺(5-HT)及其受体的表达



2.2 调节谷氨酸及其受体的表达


NayLor等[23]发现相比于睡眠时期,谷氨酸含量在觉醒时期更高。李家娣等[24]发现酸枣仁汤组Glu含量较失眠模型组明显降低。左文彪等[25]发现酸枣仁汤高、中、低剂量组大鼠大脑皮质中mGluR1、mGluR2表达较失眠模型组降低。除此之外,王慧等[26]发现酸枣仁汤对正常大鼠皮质mGluR1、2、7、环磷酸腺苷(cAMP)及蛋白激酶A(PKA)mRNA的表达并无明显影响,但酸枣仁汤可对失眠模型组所造成的PKA和cAMP mRNA表达量下降,mGluR1、2、7 mRNA表达量增加起到一定的干预作用。这说明酸枣仁汤不仅可影响失眠大鼠大脑脑内Glu的含量,还可抑制大脑皮质mGlu1、mGlu2和mGlu7受体mRNA的表达,进而影响受体后cAMP/PKA信号通路活动。

2.3 调节γ-氨基丁酸及其受体的表达

γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)对哺乳动物中枢神经系统具有抑制作用。腹外侧视前区(VLPO)神经元被激活后,通过产生GABA抑制觉醒中枢上行激活通路引发睡眠,因此GABA对睡眠有重要的调节作用[16, 27]。研究表明,GABA能够调节SCN神经元紧张性[28],而位于星形胶质细胞胞膜上GABA转运体(GATs)可降解GABA调节神经元活动的节律变化[29-30]。当胞膜上的GATs被阻断时,不仅会影响到神经元的紧张性,也会缩短生物节律中转录-翻译反馈环路(TTFL)周期[31]


3 酸枣仁汤对SCN中肽能神经元的调节



4 酸枣仁汤对星形胶质细胞的调节





5 酸枣仁汤对授时因子的影响

对于人类来说,当生命活动节律与地球昼夜节律(24 h)相一致时,人体才能保持正常生命活动,但外界的一些刺激可能会使得这种生命活动节律前移或后移,把这些刺激因素命名为“授时因子”(“zeitgebers”),常见的授时因子有光照、进食和运动等[52]。其中,关键授时因子——光照,即通过刺激视网膜光感细胞通过下丘脑通路将光信号传送至SCN,再经相关通路,松果体接受这种信号,进而抑制褪黑素释放并促进机体觉醒。反之,松果体就会分泌褪黑素,并与SCN中存在的褪黑素受体结合,从而促进睡眠[53]



6 小结与展望




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Modern research evolvements of Suanzaoren Decoction in treating insomnia by regulating circadian rhythm
ZHAO Kui1 , XU Zhe1 , XIA Xueping1 , SHENG Xin2 , PANG Chenxu1 , BIAN Yuhong1     
1. College of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;
2. Department of Nephropathy, First Teaching Hostipal of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicinee, Tianjin 300381, China
Abstract: Insomnia is a common clinical condition characterized by difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep and accompanied by symptoms such as irritability or fatigue when awake. Some Western medicine can relieve insomnia to a certain extent, but there are many adverse reactions, and even after long-term use, tolerance and dependence on the drugs may be formed. Suanzaoren Decoction, as a classic prescription for the treatment of insomnia, is highly praised by many physicians for its significant clinical efficacy and no side effects. The circadian rhythm is closely related to vital activities, and the destruction of the circadian rhythm will lead to changes in sleep, mood and so on.A large number of experimental studies indicate that Suanzaoren Decoction plays a role in the treatment of insomnia by regulating the circadian rhythm of mammals. This article aims to sort out the related fundamental experiment literatures of Suanzaoren Decoction in the treatment of insomnia by regulating the circadian rhythm and introduce that Suanzaoren Decoction regulates the expression of related genes, neurotransmitters and the irreceptors, adjusts the peptidergic neuronsin the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus, a strocytes and zeitgebersto regulatehecircadian rhythmfurther and achieve the effect of treating in somniain the end. We hope to provide new ideas and directions for the advanced exploration of the mechanism that Suanzaoren Decoction treats insomnia.
Key words: Suanzaoren Decoction    circadian rhythm    insomnia    review