天津中医药  2023, Vol. 40 Issue (8): 955-960


赵启亮, 张东, 范爽, 等.
ZHAO Qiliang, ZHANG Dong, FAN Shuang, et al.
A study on the influence of disordered seven emotions on the qi movement of Zang-fu organs in local COVID-19 patients
天津中医药, 2023, 40(8): 955-960
Tianjin Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2023, 40(8): 955-960


收稿日期: 2023-04-24
赵启亮1,2 , 张东3 , 范爽3 , 张慧琪1,2 , 谢云雪1,2,4 , 丁国耀1,2,4 , 任怡3 , 贾敬波3 , 马兆润3 , 谢祎3 , 刘旻1,2     
1. 天津中医药大学第一附属医院感染疾病科, 天津 300381;
2. 国家中医针灸临床医学研究中心, 天津 300381;
3. 天津市海河医院结核病科, 天津 300350;
4. 天津中医药大学研究生院, 天津 301617
摘要:[目的] 探析新型冠状病毒感染本土病例中医七情过极对脏腑气机影响的规律。[方法] 收集2019年2月—2020年8月天津市海河医院收治的新型冠状病毒感染本土确诊病例130例,采集入院时、住院1周时、出院时3个时点的临床资料,通过描述性统计学分析总结3个不同时点七情及气机的主要特征变化。采用关联规则法分析3个时点七情特征和气机升降出入的联系,揭示七情影响气机升降出入的潜在规律。[结果] 共纳入患者130例,入院时,七情特征以忧(56.15%)、思(44.62%)、怒(26.92%)、悲(25.38%)为主,七情严重程度评分为忧(1.17)>思(0.92)>悲(0.53)>恐(0.29)>惊(0.28)>怒(0.53);气机特征以入(41.54%)、降(30.77%)、升(23.85%)为主,气机严重程度评分为入(1.92)>降(1.55)>升(0.82)>出(0.24);住院1周时,七情特征以思(34.62%)、忧(32.31%)、悲(23.08%)、怒(22.32%)为主,七情严重程度评分为思(0.69)>忧(0.55)>悲(0.43)>怒(0.34)>恐、喜(0.08)>惊(0.04);气机特征以降(25.38%)、入(23.85%)、升(19.23%)为主,气机严重程度评分为入(0.77)>降(0.69)>升(0.42)>出(0.03);出院时,七情特征以忧(30.77%)、思(29.23%)、喜(23.85%)、悲(19.23%)为主,七情严重程度评分为忧(0.44)>思(0.33)>喜(0.30)>悲(0.25)>恐(0.18)>怒(0.12)>喜(0.30)>惊(0.03);气机特征以降(26.9)、入(21.54%)、升(11.54%)为主,气机严重程度评分为降(0.27)>入(0.22)>升(0.12)>出(0)。关联规则分析显示,入院时,支持度最高的是入+忧(41.54%),置信度最高的是悲+降/入/忧((100%);住院1周时,支持度最高的是降+悲/入/忧(25.39%),置信度最高的是悲/入/降+忧(100%);出院时,支持度最高的是忧+降(30.77%),置信度最高的是忧+降(97.14%)。[结论] 天津地区新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19)本土患者住院期间的七情特征以“忧、思”为主,气机特征以“入、降”为主,住院过程中的情志过极和气机失调均呈现好转的趋势,情志“忧、思”过极导致气机的“入、降”失调,病机上表现为肺气升降失司;脾气不升、脾胃失和;气滞于肺、脾、胃。
关键词新型冠状病毒感染    中医七情    脏腑气机    升降出入    



1 资料与方法 1.1 病例来源


1.2 诊断标准


1.3 中医七情的定义



1.4 中医七情过极的评分标准

参考《现代中医心理学》2007年版[6],中国中医药出版社。见表 1

表 1 中医七情过极的评分标准 Tab. 1 The scoring standard of seven extreme emotions of traditional Chinese medicine
1.5 气机失调的评分判定标准

参照《中华人民共和国国家标准·中医临床诊疗术语》[7]及《中药新药临床研究指导原则》[8]制定。见表 2

表 2 气机失调的评分判定标准 Tab. 2 The scoring standard of qi mechanical dissonance
1.6 纳排标准


1.7 方法


1.8 统计学方法

采用SPSS 26.0软件和SPSS Modeler18.0软件进行分析。计量资料以均数±标准差(x±s)描述,计数资料采用频数和百分比进行描述,3个时点问卷评分采用重复测量方差分析(Greenhouse-Geisser),七情影响气机的规律采用关联规则分析(Apriori算法)。检验水准为α<0.05。

2 结果 2.1 一般情况

研究共纳入130例患者,其中男71例(54.62%),女59例(45.38%)。病情分级轻型12例(9.23%),普通型118例(90.77%)。人群年龄范围为9~89岁,平均年龄46.69岁,未成年人(<18岁)2例,老年人(>60岁)29例。不同年龄层患者情志过极主要表现为,未成年人在入院时表现为思和忧,住院1周时仅表现为思,出院时又出现恐;青年人均表现为怒、思、忧;中年人以忧、思、悲、怒、恐为主要表现;老年人以忧、思为主,情志过极均呈逐渐缓解的趋势,见表 3。男性入院时突出表现为怒,其他与女性一样以忧、思为主,见表 4

表 3 不同年龄层3个时点患者七情频数分析 Tab. 3 Frequency analysis of seven emotions in patients of different age groups at three time points
表 4 不同性别3个时点患者七情频数分析 Tab. 4 Frequency analysis of seven emotions in patients of different genders at three time points
2.2 七情和气机升、降、出、入评分情况

喜不存在过极,其余6种情志过极评分在住院期间均下降,3个时点的差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05),见表 5

表 5 不同时点七情评分情况(x±s Tab. 5 The scores of seven emotions at different points (x±s)

升、降、入评分在住院期间均呈下降趋势,3个时点的差异均有统计学意义(P < 0.05),见表 6

表 6 不同时点气机评分情况(x±s Tab. 6 The scores of qi movement at different points (x±s)
2.3 七情和脏腑气机特征变化及相关性研究 2.3.1 七情和脏腑气机频数分析

入院时,七情特征以忧最常见,脏腑气机特征以入为主;住院1周时七情特征以思最常见,脏腑气机特征以降为主;出院时七情特征以忧为主,脏腑气机特征以降为主,见表 7

表 7 七情和脏腑气机升降出入频数表 Tab. 7 Frequency of seven emotions and qi movement
2.3.2 入院时七情和脏腑气机的关联规则分析

入院时,支持度最高的是入+忧(41.54%),置信度最高的是悲+降/入/忧(100%),见表 8

表 8 入院时七情和脏腑气机的关联度分析 Tab. 8 Association rules analysis of seven emotions and qi movement on admission
2.3.3 住院1周时七情和脏腑气机的关联规则分析

住院1周时,支持度最高的是降+悲/入/忧(25.39%),置信度最高的是悲/入/降+忧(100%),见表 9

表 9 住院1周时七情和脏腑气机的关联度分析 Tab. 9 Association rules analysis of seven emotions and qi movement on the 8th day of hospitalization
2.3.4 出院时七情和脏腑气机的关联规则分析

出院时,“忧+降”的支持度(30.77%)和置信度(97.14%)均是最高的,见表 10

表 10 出院时七情和脏腑气机的关联度分析 Tab. 10 Association rules analysis of seven emotions and qi movement at discharge
3 讨论



3.1 不同阶段七情和气机的特征


3.2 七情影响气机升降出入的规律



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A study on the influence of disordered seven emotions on the qi movement of Zang-fu organs in local COVID-19 patients
ZHAO Qiliang1,2 , ZHANG Dong3 , FAN Shuang3 , ZHANG Huiqi1,2 , XIE Yunxue1,2,4 , DING Guoyao1,2,4 , REN Yi3 , JIA Jingbo3 , MA Zhaorun3 , XIE Yi3 , LIU Min1,2     
1. Infectious Diseases Department, First Teaching Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300381, China;
2. National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Tianjin 300381, China;
3. Tuberculosis Department, Tianjin Haihe Hospital, Tianjin 300350, China;
4. Graduate School, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
Abstract: [Objective] To explore the influence of disordered seven emotions of traditional Chinese medicine on qi movement of Zang-fu organs in local COVID-19 patients. [Methods] A total of 130 local confirmed COVID-19 cases admitted to Tianjin Haihe Hospital from February 2019 to August 2020 were collected. Clinical data were collected at admission, one week in hospital, and discharged from hospital. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the main characteristics and changes of seven emotions and qi movement at the three different time points. The association rules algorithm is used to analyze the relationship between the seven emotions and movement of qi. Finally, we reveals the potential rule of seven emotions influence on the movement of qi. [Results] A total of 130 patients were included. On admission, the main characteristics of seven emotions were melancholy(56.15%), anxiety(44.62%), anger(26.92%) and grief(25.38%); the severity score of seven emotions was melancholy(1.17)>anxiety(0.92)>grief(0.53)>fear(0.29)>fright(0.28)>anger(0.53);the characteristics of qi movement were mainly entering(41.54%), descending(30.77%) and ascending(23.85%), and the severity score of qi movement was entering(1.92)>descending(1.55)>ascending(0.82)>exiting(0.24). After 1 week in hospital, the characteristics of seven emotions were mainly anxiety(34.62%), melancholy(32.31%), grief(23.08%), anger(22.32%), and the severity score of seven emotions was anxiety(0.69)>melancholy(0.55)>grief(0.43)>anger(0.34)>fear, joy(0.08)>fright(0.04);the characteristics of qi movement were mainly descending(25.38%), entering(23.85%) and ascending(19.23%). The severity score of qi movement was entering(0.77)>descending(0.69)>ascending(0.42)>exiting(0.03). When discharged from hospital, the characteristics of seven emotions were mainly melancholy(30.77%), anxiety(29.23%), joy(23.85%), grief(19.23%). The severity score of seven emotions was melancholy(0.44)>anxiety(0.33)>joy(0.30)>grief(0.25)>fear(0.18)>anger(0.12)>joy(0.30)>fright(0.03);the characteristics of qi movement were mainly descending(26.9), entering(21.54%) and ascending(11.54%), and the severity score of qi movement was descending(0.27)>entering(0.22)>ascending(0.12)>exiting(0). The association rules algorithm showed that the highest degree of support was entering+melancholy(41.54%), and the highest degree of confidence was grief+descending/entering/melancholy(100%) at admission. After 1 week in hospital, the highest degree of support was descending+grief/entering/melancholy(25.39%), and the highest degree of confidence was grief/entering/descending+melancholy(100%). At the time of discharge, the highest degree of support was melancholy+descending(30.77%), and the highest degree of confidence was melancholy+descending(97.14%). [Conclusion] During the hospitalization of COVID-19 patients in Tianjin area, the main characteristics of seven emotions were "melancholy and anxiety", and the main characteristics of qi movement were "entering and descending". The disordered emotions and qi movement show a trend of improvement during hospitalization. The disordered emotions "melancholy and anxiety" lead to the "entering and descending" disorder of qi movement, and the resulting pathogenesis were lost the balance between ascending and descending of lung qi movement, fail to ascending of spleen qi, disharmony between spleen and stomach, qi stagnates in lung, spleen and stomach.
Key words: COVID-19    seven emotions of traditional Chinese medicine    qi movement of Zang-fu organs    ascending, descending, exiting and entering