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刘艳民1, 李杰2, 檀占山1, 李庆和3, 李慧吉3
1.中国人民解放军272医院急诊科 天津 300020;2.内蒙古师范大学心理系 呼和浩特 010000;3.天津中医药大学 天津 300193
关键词:  情志刺激  胰高血糖素  环磷酸腺苷
Influence of emotional stimulation on serum glucagon and so on in rats with diabetes mellitus
LIU Yan-min1, LI Jie2, TAN Zhan-shan1
1.The Emergency Department of PLA 272 Hospital, Tianjin 300020, China;2.The psychological Department of Neimenggu Normal University, Huhehaote 010000, China;3.Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To explore the effect mechanisms of emotion stimulation on DM onset(Qi-ji disorder syndrome),and the regulatory action of Xinshen NO.5,a compound prescription having effect of regulating Qi,lowering the abnormal ascending Qi and dispersing accumulation of pathogen from the pathogenesis with many factors.[Methods] The DM disease was induced by abdominal injecting a small dosage of STZ combined with psychophysiological stimulation(rotation,restraint and crowding) simultaneously.The animals were divided into five groups: normal group,stress group,STZ group,stress+STZ group and treatment group by Chinese herbs.Each group was checked the level of serum glucagons and cAMP.At the same time we observed the regulatory action of compound formula Xinshen NO.5.[Results] Emotional stimulation could make the STZ rats’ serum glucagon level and the cAMP level of liver increased.The STZ plus stimulation group had the highest level(P<0.01,or P<0.05).Chinese herb could lower the level.[Conclusions] The serum glucagon and cAMP level increased by chronic emotional stimulation was one of the caused mechanisms for DM onset.The regulatory action of compound formula Xinshen NO.5.is apparent.
Key words:  emotion stimulation  serum glucagons  cAMP