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姜智浩1, 诸凯2
1.天津中医药大学医疗系, 天津, 300193;2.天津商业大学, 天津, 300134
关键词:  舌象  量化  舌色度  津液  灌注率  红外热图
Quantified study on tongue characteristic of tongue picture
JIANG Zhi-hao1, ZHU Kai2
1.Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China;2.Tianjin University of Commerce, Tianjin 300134, China
[Objective] To investigate the relationship between the picture of the tongue in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and the differentiation of symptoms and signs of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). [Methods] The different picture of tongue and infrared chart, surface saliva, blood filling rate of tongue were observed by advanced technology and compared with the symptom of TCM. The yin asthenia syndrome of blood stasis (A) and deficiency of vital energy syndrome of blood stasis (B) of CAD patients were compared with the corresponding color of tongue, saliva, blood flow and characteristic of infrared chart. The filling rate of deficiency of vital energy syndrome of blood stasis group was significantly lower than that of other two groups. [Results] The color of tongue R was significantly increased in group A, that of B group was the next in order. The temperature distribution of tongues was different in those groups. The saliva was largest in control group and it was least in group A. [Conclusion] Each CAD patients have different characteristic of tongue such as color, temperature distribution, filling rate, saliva and so on. These characteristics are important parameters for objective study of the tongue and plays an important role in clinical work.
Key words:  tongue picture  quantifying  color  saliva  filling rate  infrared chart