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王广军, 张宇沁, 王瑞红, 丁玉龙, 田宇瑛, 黄涛, 张维波
中国中医科学院针灸研究所医学工程实验室, 北京, 100700
关键词:  皮肤血流  电热砭石疗法  激光多普勒血流成像
Experimental study on effect of electro-heated stone needle on local skin blood perfusion of dorsum hand
WANG Guang-Jun, ZHANG Yu-qin, WANG Rui-hong
Medical engineering Lab, Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, China Academy of Chinese Medical Science, Beijing 100070, China
[Objective] To observe the effect of electro-heated stone needle on the blood perfusion of dorsum of hand and to investigate the mechanism of the therapy. [Methods] Stimulation the third and 4th interosseous space of metacarpus of right hand by the 45℃ stone needle was performed and then the change of blood perfusion in the area of dorsum of hand and periumbilicus was observed with laser Doppler blood perfusion imaging system. [Results] After stimulation,the blood perfusion of right hand increased markedly (compared with pre-stimulation,P<0.01),and the attenuation of the increased blood perfusion was not noted within 30 minutes after stimulation. On the other hand,there was not significant change of the blood perfusion in periumbilicus area within 30 minutes after stimulation. [Conclusion] Electro-heated stone needle therapy can increase skin local blood perfusion of dorsum of hand without any effect on the periumbilicus area.
Key words:  skin blood perfusion  electro-heated stone needle therapy  laser doppler perfusion imaging