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吴秀艳1, 王天芳1, 陈建新1, 赵燕1, 于春光1, 李志更2, 西广成3, 王庆国1
1.北京中医药大学中医诊断系, 北京, 100029;2.中国中医科学院基础理论研究所, 北京, 100700;3.中国科学院自动化研究所, 北京, 100080
关键词:  证候要素  症状  关联度
Correlative study of nature of syndrome elements and symptoms on depression,chronic hepatitis B,chronic renal failure based on relational grades method
WU Xiu-yan,WANG Tian-fang,CHEN Jian-xin
Department of TCM Diagnosis, Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China
[Objective] To summarize the correlation between syndrome elements and symptoms by analyzing the correlative study of na-ture of syndrome elements and symptoms on depression,chronic hepatitis B,chronic renal failure. [Methods] The relation between nature of syndrome elements and symptoms was analyzed by relational grades method based on entropy. [Results] The symptoms related to syn-drome elements were accorded with traditional medicine. There were partly same symptoms of tongue and pulse,mostly different symp-toms of body on the same syndrome elements of different diseases. There were partly same symptoms on different diseases,but relation degree of the same symptoms to the same syndrome elements of different diseases was different. [Conclusion] The results of correlative study between nature of syndrome elements and symptoms on three kinds of diseases may provide evidence for the study of diagnostic standard of syndrome and syndrome elements. At same time the results indicated that the establishing of diagnostic standard should combine the disease with syndrome.
Key words:  syndrome elements  symptom  literature study  the relational grades  entropy