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浙江省舟山市妇幼保健医院儿科, 舟山, 316000
关键词:  重症肺炎  足三里穴  组织氧分压
Clinical observation of monitoring of tissue oxygen in acupoints in infants suffering from serious pneumonia
WANG Zhe-mei
Zhejiang Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Zhoushan, Zhoushan 316000, China
[Objective] By monitoring the changes of tissue Oxygen in ZuSanLi Point in infants suffering from serious pneumonia to evaluate the situation of its partial tissue Oxygenation and explore the applying value of measuring acupoint tissue Oxygen method clinically.[Methods] The changes in twenty-four infants suffering from serious pneumonia were compared with that in infants from common pneumonia.Using dual-channels tissue Oxygen monitor made in China the pressure of tissue Oxygen(PtO2) of ZuSanLi point of right leg was measured,at inhalational oxygen of 40%(FiO2) Simultaneously,the arterial blood gas,temperature of body,heart rate,blood pressure and hemoglobin were measured to calculate the PtO2 index(PtO2/PaO2).[Results] Compared with the infants suffering from common pneumonia,the temperature and heart rate were significantly higher,PaO2 was significantly lower,meanwhile the PtO2 index and PtO2 of point in infants with serious pneumonia were significantly increased.(P<0.05).[Conclusion] Under the condition of oxygen delivery disorder of whole body in infants with serious pneumonia the need of partial tissue around point was significantly enhanced.The point tissue can significantly increase the PtO2 index to meet the abnormally enhanced oxygen need of it self.Measuring the oxygen in acupoint tissue was very valuable to monitor the situation of partial tissue oxygenation in infants suffering from serious pneumonia.
Key words:  serious pneumonia  Zusanli point  pressure of tissue oxygen