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周冬青, 高书荣
上海市普陀区人民医院中医科, 上海, 200060
关键词:  椎动脉型颈椎病  二十五味珍珠丸  血流动力学
Treating cervical spondylopathy of vertebral artery type with Tibetan medicine 25-Margarita pill in 32 patients
ZHOU Dong-qing, GAO Shu-rong
Department of TCM, People’s Hospital of Putuo District, Shanghai 200060, China
[Objective] To observe the effect of Tibetan medicine 25-Margarita Pill on hemodynamics and the clinical efficacy in patients with cervical spondylopathy of vertebral artery type.[Methods] Sixty-four patients were randomly divided into 2 groups: control group(32 cases) with application of the vasodilator of Western medicine,the treatment group(32 cases) on the basis of medicine using in the control group the Tibetan medicine 25-Margarita pill was added.After treating for 2 weeks,the hemodynamics was determined and the clinical efficacy in patients of two groups was compared.[Results] After treatment the average blood flow velocity of the vertebral-basilar artery was markedly increased when compare with that before treatment in both groups.The improvement of hemodynamic indexes in treatment group was superior significantly than that in control.The excellence rate of treatment group was significantly higher than that of control group(P<0.05).[Conclusion] The 25-Margarita pill can significantly improve the vertebralis hemodynamics and increase the clinical efficacy.
Key words:  cervical spondylopathy  25-Margarita pill  hemodynamics