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金鑫瑶1, 王东2, 张立双1, 季昭臣1, 李霄2, 吕玲2, 赵梦瑜2, 庞稳泰1, 张俊华1
1.天津中医药大学循证医学中心, 天津 301617;2.天津中医药大学研究生院, 天津 301617
[目的] 采用复杂网络分析方法,分析中医治疗湿证配伍规律。[方法] 以湿为关键词检索《中华医典》医案部分收录的医案,提取医案中用药信息,采用The R Programming Language软件Apriori算法进行关联分析,并基于Gephi 0.9.2软件实现复杂网络分析。[结果] 纳入医案453个,包括中药257味,总用药频次为3 321次。按功效、性味对药物进行分析,发现利水渗湿药物共使用16味,其用药频次达619次,占总用药频次的18.6%;温性药物75味,使用频次达1 062次,占总用药频次的32%;苦味药物120味,使用频次为1 701次,占总用药频次的31.3%。关联分析得到陈皮-茯苓、泽泻-茯苓、白术-茯苓、厚朴-茯苓等可能为治疗湿证的核心药对。基于关联分析结果通过Gephi0.9.2软件运算,以K核心算法并参考节点介数中心性得到核心药物37味。通过社区探测算法进行模块化处理结合专业知识,分析核心药物网络,总结得出以五苓散、二陈汤、平胃散、黄连解毒汤、三仁汤为代表的湿证治疗代表方药和以利水渗湿法、健脾祛湿法、燥湿运脾法、苦寒燥湿法、宣气化湿法为代表的常用治法。[结论] 运用复杂网络分析方法,总结古代医案治疗湿证的处方规律及常用治法,可供现代临床参考并为今后进一步挖掘中医临证经验提供思路。
关键词:  湿证  复杂网络  配伍规律  中华医典
Analysis of the rule of medication for dampness syndrome in Zhonghua Yidian medical records based on complex network
JIN Xinyao1, WANG Dong2, ZHANG Lishuang1, JI Zhaochen1, LI Xiao2, LYU Ling2, ZHAO Mengyu2, PANG Wentai1, ZHANG Junhua1
1.Evidence Based Medicine Center, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China;2.Graduate School, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
[Objective] The study used complex network analysis methods to analyze the compatibility of Chinese medical treatment for dampness syndrome.[Methods] Extracted the drug information by retrieving the medical records included in the medical section of Zhonghua Yidian with the key word "dampness". The R Programming Language software Apriori algorithm was used for association analysis,and complex network analysis was implemented based on Gephi 0.9.2 software.[Results] The study included 453 medical records and 257 Chinese medicines. The frequency of medication was 3 321 times. Through analyzing the drug according to efficacy,medical properties and medical taste,the study found that a total of 16 inducing diuresis for eliminating dampness drugs were used,and the frequency of drug use was 619 times,accounting for 18.6%. The 75 warm drugs were used,with the use frequency of 1 062 times,accounting for 32%. The 120 tablets of bitterness were used,with the using frequency of 1701,accounting for 31.3%. The correlation analysis showed that Chen Pi-Fu Ling,Ze Xie-Fu Ling,Bai Zhu-Fu Ling,Hou Po-Fu Ling were the core drug pairs in the treatment of dampness syndrome. The correlation analysis results were calculated using Gephi 0.9.2 software,and finally 37 core drugs were obtained. Analyzing the results through modular processing and professional knowledge,the core components of the dampness syndrome treatment represented by Wuling San,Erchen Tang,Pingwei San,Huanglian Jiedu Tang and Sanren Tang were summarized. The core treatment methods such as inducing diuresis for eliminating dampness,invigorating spleen and draining dampness,invigorating spleen and drying dampness,bitter-cold herbs easing dampness,dispersing qi and resolving dampness and dispelling wind and eliminating dampness are presented.[Conclusion] Complex network analysis methods can be used to summarize the prescription rules and core treatment methods of ancient medical treatment of dampness syndrome. It can also provide reference for modern clinical practice and provide ideas for further exploration of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) clinical experience in the future.
Key words:  dampness syndrome  complex network  compatibility regularity  Zhonghua Yidian