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张哲, 郭玲格, 黄忠利, 李凤燕, 赵玉斌, 仇丽娜, 苏书贞, 李燕峰, 郭嘉璇
石家庄市中医院, 石家庄 050051
[目的] 探讨导师制培训模式对老年人八段锦训练的效果。[方法] 采用随机对照的方法,将符合入选标准的150例老年人按随机数字表分为试验组与对照组,每组75例。试验组在常规“四步骤”培训方法的基础上采用导师制培训模式对老年人实施培训和锻炼,对照组采用常规“四步骤”培训方法集体培训模式对老年人实施培训和锻炼。分别于培训结束后进行八段锦培训情况满意度调查,集中锻炼3~6个月进行八段锦活动组织情况满意度调查,比较个人锻炼总达标率,比较培训前、集中锻炼3个月及6个月后两组平衡功能指标的变化。比较培训前、集中锻炼6个月后两组生命质量指标的变化。[结果] 试验组八段锦培训情况满意度和活动组织情况满意度均优于对照组;两组个人锻炼总达标率的比较,差异无统计学意义;集中锻炼3个月及6个月BERG评分量表的比较,重复测量方差分析显示F时间试验组优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。集中锻炼6个月后生命质量量表的变化比较,两组老年人的生活质量评分均较培训前提高(P<0.05),试验组该评分提高更多。[结论] 应用导师制模式进行八段锦培训对老年人实施培训和锻炼的效果显著。
关键词:  八段锦  导师制  培训模式  四步骤
Study on the effect of tutorial training mode on the training of Baduanjin for the elders
ZHANG Zhe, GUO Lingge, HUANG Zhongli, LI Fengyan, ZHAO Yubin, QIU Lina, SU Shuzhen, LI Yanfeng, GUO Jiaxuan
Shijiazhuang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Shijiazhuang 050051, China
[Objective] To explore the effect of tutorial system on the training of Baduanjin for the elders.[Methods] The 180 elderly people who met the inclusion criteria were randomly divided into experimental group and control group according to the random number table,with 90 cases in each group. On the basis of the conventional "four-step" training method,the experimental group used the tutorial training mode to train and exercise the elders,while the control group used the conventional "four-step" training method to train and exercise the elderly. After the training,the satisfaction of Baduanjin training was investigated,and the satisfaction of Baduanjin activity organization was investigated for 3~6 months. The total rate of individual exercise was compared,and the changes of balance function indexes before training,3 months after training and 6 months after training were compared between the two groups. Compare the changes of quality of life index of two groups before training and after 6 months of concentrated exercise.[Results] The satisfaction of training and activity organization of Baduanjin in the experimental group was better than that of the control group. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the total rate of attaining the standard of individual exercise. Compared with the BERG scale for 3 months and 6 months of intensive exercise,the experimental group was better than the control group,and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Compared with the change of the quality of life scale after 6 months of concentrated exercise,the experimental group was superior to the control group,and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).[Conclusion] The new training mode of Baduanjin,a tutorial system,has a significant effect on the training and exercise for the elders.
Key words:  Baduanjin  tutorial system  training mode  four steps