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张千1, 朱燕波2,3, 史会梅3
1.北京中医药大学中医学院, 北京 102488;2.北京中医药大学管理学院, 北京 102488;3.北京中医药大学管理学院生命质量测评与健康管理研究中心, 北京 102488
[目的] 探讨疫情风险感知在8种偏颇质(气虚质、阳虚质、阴虚质、痰湿质、湿热质、血瘀质、气郁质、特禀质)与生命质量关系中的作用机制。[方法] 于2022年初新型冠状病毒感染(COVID-19)疫情时期(2022年2月3—15日),以中医体质量表-30条目简短版、新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情风险感知评估量表和世界卫生组织生存质量测定量表简表进行网络调查,累计获得样本1 181例。[结果] 相关分析结果显示,偏颇质得分与生命质量得分均呈负相关(r为-0.321~ -0.524,P<0.001),偏颇质得分与疫情风险感知均呈正相关(r为0.168~0.225,P<0.001),疫情风险感知与生命质量呈负相关(r=-0.202,P<0.001)。中介效应检验结果显示,疫情风险感知在偏颇质得分与生命质量间的中介效应均具有统计学意义(P<0.001),偏颇质得分对生命质量负面影响以直接效应为主,疫情风险感知的中介效应占总效应的比值从大到小依次是阳虚质(10.85%)、特禀质(8.88%)、湿热质(8.21%)、阴虚质(7.50%)、血瘀质(7.44%)、痰湿质(7.27%)、气虚质(6.36%)和气郁质(4.98%)。[结论] 在突发公共卫生事件下,疫情风险感知在偏颇质得分与生命质量的关系中起不同程度的中介作用,但中介作用效果量均较小。
关键词:  中医体质  偏颇质  风险感知  生命质量
Effect of biased constitution score on the quality of life in public health emergencies:the mediating effect of epidemic risk perception
ZHANG Qian1, ZHU Yanbo2,3, SHI Huimei3
1.School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China;2.School of Management, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China;3.Research Center for Quality of Life Assessment and Health Management, School of Management, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Beijing 102488, China
[Objective] To analyse the role of epidemic risk perception in the relationship between eight biased constitutions(qi deficiency type,yang deficiency type,yin deficiency type,phlegm-dampness type,dampness-heat type,blood-stasis type,qi-depression type and special diathesis type) and quality of life(QOL). [Methods] An online survey was conducted in early 2022 during the epidemic of corona virnus disease 2019(COVID-19,3 to 15 February 2022) using the 30-item short version of Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire(CCMQ-30),Perceived Risk of COVID-19 Pandemic Scale(PRCPS),and World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF(WHOQOL-BREF). A sample of 1 181 cases was obtained. [Results] Correlation analysis showed that scores of eight biased constitutions were negatively correlated with scores of QOL(r=-0.321 to -0.524,P<0.001),scores of eight biased constitutions were positively correlated with scores of epidemic perceived risk(r=0.168 to 0.225,P<0.001),and scores of epidemic perceived risk negatively correlated with QOL(r=-0.202,P<0.001). The results of the mediated effects test showed that the impact of scores of biased constitutions on QOL is dominated by direct effects. And the mediated effects of epidemic risk perception between biased constitutions and QOL were statistically significant(P<0.001). The scores of biased constitution had a predominantly direct effect on the negative impact of QOL. The mediating effect sizes of epidemic risk perception in descending order of importance is yang deficiency type(10.85%),special diathesis type(8.88%),dampness-heat type(8.21%),yin deficiency type(7.50%),blood-stasis type(7.44%),phlegm-dampness type(7.27%),qi-deficiency type(6.36%) and qi-depression type(4.98%). [Conclusion] In public health emergencies,perceived risk of epidemic played a partially mediating role in the relationship between biased constitution and QOL to varying degrees,but the mediating effect sizes were all small.
Key words:  traditional Chinese medicine constitution  biased constitution  risk perception  quality of life