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范英昌1, 赵桂峰1, 张文治2
1.天津中医学院 300193;2.天津市脑系科中心医院 300152
[目的]探讨丹酚酸B(Salvianolic acid B,SalB)治疗大鼠心肌梗死(myocardial infarction,MI)以后的病理形态学变化。[方法]通过结扎冠状动脉左前降支制作大鼠心肌梗死模型,测定各组心肌梗死面积占总面积的百分比,并且对心肌梗死部位成纤维细胞和毛细血管进行计数,观察Sal B对MI的干预作用。[结果]Sal B可以减少心肌梗死面积,促进毛细血管的生长,加速梗死灶的修复。[结论]Sal B可以减轻MI的面积,是中药丹参起效的重要物质基础之一,具有良好的开发及应用前景。
关键词:  丹酚酸B  心肌梗死  成纤维细胞  新生毛细血管
基金项目:* 天津市科委资助课题(023611611)
Influence of Salvianolic acid B on pathomorphology in myocardial infarction rats
FAN Ying-chang,ZHAO Gui-feng,ZHANG Wen-zhi
Tianjin University of TCM, Tiangjin 300193, China
[Objective] To explore the changes of pathomorphology in myocardial infarction(MI) rats after treatment with Salvianolic acid B(Sai B).[Methods] MI rats model was made by ligation of left anterior descending branch of coronary artery. Assay the percentage of myocardial infarction area in total areas of each group, counting the fibroblast and blood capillary of myocardial infarction region, and observe the intervention action of Salvianolic acid B on myocardial infarction.[Result] Sai B can decrease the myocardial infarction areas, promote the growth of blood capillary, and accelerate the plerosis of infarction focus.[Conclusion] Sai B can decrease the myocardial infarction areas and is one of the important material basal in Danshen and have satisfactory development and application prospect.
Key words:  Salvianolic acid B  myocardial infarction  fibroblast  neonate blood capillary