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陈大权1, 王立颖2
1.天津中医学院第一附属医院 300193;2.天津医学高等专科学校 300052
关键词:  桂枝附子汤证  白术附子汤证  鉴别
My view on the distinction between Guizhifuzi and Baizhufuzi Decoction’s symptoms in Synopsis of Prescription of Golden Chamber
CHEN Da-quan,WANG Li-ying
The First Affiliated Hospital to Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
There was a great difference between every annotator's view on the distinction of Guizhifuzi and Baizhufuzi Decoctions symptoms in Synopsis of Golden Chamber,Jing shiyie disease.It sums up to several respects:1.wind exuberance and damPness exuberance,2.wind-damPness exuberance and cold-dampness exuberance,3.exterior-yang deficiency and intetior-yang deficiency.Although every annotator had their own basis on their view,it is worthy of discussing when deeply consideration is needed.This article has carried out an analysis from the original,symptoms and medical herbs in Synopsis of prescription of Golden Chamber.It has put forward that both the two syndromes are all belong to exterior wind-cold-dampness and yang-Qi deficiency.Distinctive keys consist on Guizhifuzi decoction、symptoms are some diseases with kidney-Qi deficiency and the Qi transformation of the urinary bladder is inhihited.Baizhufuzi decoction symPtoms are with deficiency ofspleen-Qi anddampnessin the middle-energizer.
Key words:  Guizhifuzi decoction’s symptom  Baizhufuzi decoction’s symptom  distinction