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王玉兴, 曾又佳, 阚湘苓
天津中医学院 300193
关键词:  《中医内科学》  脏腑辨证  整合
基金项目:* 国家中医药管理局重点科研项目(2001-J-Z-01)
Integration and Brief Discuss on Zangfu Pattern of Syndrome of TCM Internal Medicine from the Fourth to the Seventh Edition
WANG Yu-xing, ZENG You-jia, KAN Xiang-ling
Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
To investigate the integration condition of zang type of syndrome by statistical induction and cross-check analysis on zangfu differentiation of symptoms and signs and application of TCM internal medicine from the fourth to the seventh edtion. The formerly teaching material paid attention to remain the full-grown type of syndrome and change name of partial type of syndrome by adjusting the record entity and enhance clinical differentiation of symptoms and signs research. To enrich and improve the zangfu differentiation of symptoms and signs content of TCM internal medicine by integrating the zangfu type of syndrome. To explain the full-grown and stable of syndrome type, penetrate deeply and thining of partial type of syndrome, change name of syndrome type in the article in order to provide the reference for teachers, students and clinical doctors.
Key words:  TCM internal medicine  zangfu differentiation of symptoms and signs  integration