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范英昌, 华声瑜, 郭茂娟, 徐秀梅
天津中医药大学 300193
关键词:  丹酚酸B  骨髓间充质干细胞  心肌缺血  细胞移植  血管新生
Angiogenic effect of bone marrow mesenchyma stem cells transplantation intervened by SalB on acute myocardial infarcts in rats infarction in rats
FAN Ying-chang, HUA Sheng-yu, GUO Mao-juan
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To evaluate the angiogenic effect of the bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) transfected with SalB on myocardial infarcts in rats[Methods] The animal model of heart ischemic was established by ligating the left anterior descending coronary artery in Wistar rats.The ligated rats were divided into 5 groups (n=15each),and they were injected MSC at the heart infarct zone with SalB (Group SalB+B),MSCs (Group B),SalB (Group SalB),sham operation (Group S) and model.Two weeks after the injection,the capillary density of the infracted zone and the expression of CD34 in vivo were examined.[Results] Two weeks after the transplantation,the capillary density was significantly greater in Group SalB+B than that in Group B and Group SalB.[Conclusion] Bone marrow mesenchyma stem cells interfered with SalB on myocardial infarcts in rats could provide the blood of infarction zone and maybe form new vasculars to repair infracted myocardium,and SalB is one of the important material basal in Danshen and have satisfactory development and application prospect.
Key words:  Salvianolic acid B  MSCs  ischemic heart disease  cell therapy  angiogenesis