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李巧芬1, 常柏2, 李晓军1, 庞宗然1, 杨继志1
1.天津中医药大学 300193;2.天津医科大学代谢病医院 300050
关键词:  生肌象皮膏  糖尿病溃疡  终末糖基化产物  终末糖基化产物受体
Effect of shengji corium elephatis mastic on the terminal glycosylation production and acceptor of granulation tissue of ulcus raw surface in rats with diabetes
LI Qiao-fen,CHANG Bai,LI Xiao-jun
Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objection] To dynamic observe the terminal glycosylation production and acceptor of granulation tissue of ulcus raw surface in rats with diabetes and explore the effect mechanism of Shengji corium elephatis mastic on promoting refractoriness ulcer healing in rats with diabetes.[Methods] To establish the animal model of diabetes ulcer.The model rats were demixing randomly divided into diabetes control group,control group,Vasogen group,Shengji corium elephatis mastic group.To put to death the rats in one day,seven day,fourteen day and twenty-one day and obtain fresh granulation tissue by using operation method.To determine the terminal glycosylation production content by using RT-PCR and immunohistochemical method.[Results] The content of terminal glycosylation production wasn't obviously differentiation on the rats of every diabetes model group and the expression of terminal glycosylation production was powerful masccline.The acceptor of terminal glycosylation production (RAGE) had a elevatory tendency in rats of every diabetes group in seven day and may achieve the peak time in fourteen day.But there weren't obviously differentiation in every group (P>0.05).From the view of mean tendency,the content of RAGE in Shengji corium elephatis mastic group was obviously lower than that in diabetes control and Vasogen group.The Shengji corium elephatis mastic may inhibit the produc-tion of RAGE with the prolongation of time.The expression of RAGE was low in rats of every diabetes group in twenty day.[Conclusion] Shengji corium elephatis mastic hadn't obviously influence on the RAGE and may decrease the production of RAGE with the prolongation of time.
Key words:  Shengji corium elephatis mastic  diabetes ulcus  terminal glycosylation production  RAGE