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宋俊生, 吴喜庆, 陆小左, 熊俊
天津中医药大学 300193
[目的] 系统评价国内炙甘草汤及其加减方治疗"脉结代、心动悸"的临床对照试验的疗效,为其进一步完善炙甘草汤临床研究设计提供理论依据。[方法] 搜集炙甘草汤及其加减方临床对照研究试验,筛选合格文献,文献质量评价按Cochrane系统评价手册4.2.2版关于随机对照试验(RCT)的质量评价标准进行。[结果] 检索到符合纳入标准的临床对照研究试验37篇。按照Cochrane评价标准,均属于C级。[结论] 从现有研究来看,炙甘草汤及其加减方治疗"脉结代、心动悸"相对对照组而言更有优势。但是可供纳入的文献质量普遍不高,所以有待于进一步研究,希望能多出现大样本高质量的临床随机对照试验。
关键词:  炙甘草汤  脉结代、心动悸  临床对照研究  系统评价
基金项目:* 天津市科委资助课题(05YFJMJCO8600)
A systematic assessment on the clinical controlled trial in treating pulse-arrhythmia and heart-palpitation with Zhigancaodecoction and Its modified prescription
SONG Jun-sheng, WU Xi-qing, LU Xiao-zuo
Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin, 300193, China
[Objective] To systematically assess the clinical controlled trial in treating pulse-ar-rhythmia (irregularly intermittent and regularly intermittent) and heart-palpitation (severe palpitation) with Zhigancao decoction and its modified prescription in order to providing a theoretic foundation for further perfecting the designing of clinical investigation of Zhigancao decoction. [Methods] The clinical controlled trials of Zhigancao decoction and its modified prescriptions in treating the pulse-arrhythmia and heart-palpitation were collected and the qualified research in them was selected.Their quality evaluation was performed by using the Cochrane system estimation manual of 4.2.2 edition about RCT.[Results] Thirty clinical controlled trials were found,among them the research finished in a single-center were 30.According to the assessing standard of Cochrane,all articles belonged to scale C.[Conclusion] From these available researches it is considered that the effects of Zhigancao decoction and its modified prescriptions in treating pulse-arrhythmia and heart-palpitate were more superior than that of the control group.But the quality of the literatures was not so high generally.Much more clinically controlled trials with high quality were expected.
Key words:  Zhigancao decoction  pulse-arrhythmia  heart-palpitation  clinical controlled trial  systematic assessment