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玄明实1, 袁红霞1, 于强2
1.天津中医药大学 300193;2.天津医科大学南开临床学院, 天津市中西医结合医院 300100
关键词:  和胃降逆法  反流性食管炎  24h食管pH
基金项目:* 天津市卫生局中医、中西医结合科研基金资助项目(07021)。
Influence of Hewei Jiangni method on 24-hour esophageal pH value in reflux esophagitis
Xuan ming-shi,Yuan Hong-xia,Yu Qiang
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To observe influence on change of 24-hour esophageal pH value in reflux esophagitis (RE) treated by Hewei Jiangni Method.[Methods] 60 RE patients were divided into control group (30 cases) and treatment group (30 cases),control group was treated by west medicine,treatment group was treated by Hewei Jiangni,and observing the change of 24-hour esophageal pH Value separately in two groups.[Results] Hewei Jiangni method of Tridational Chinese Medicine (TCM) and west medicine had the same influence on reducing the times of pH<4,whole time of pH<4,time% of pH<4 and Demeester in 24-hour,the influence on reducing the longest refux time in 24-hour by west medicine was not stronger than Hewei Jinagni method,the influence on reducing the times of refux continuance time,Smin by Hewei Jiangni method was not stronger than west medicine.[Conclusion] Hewei Jiangni method could reduce the 24-hour esophageal pH value effectively,and the therapeutic efficacy in treating RE was affirmed.
Key words:  Hewei Jiangni  reflux esophagitis  24-hour esophageal pH