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朱桃桃, 王安红, 周昆, 卢国彦, 马志会
天津中医药大学中医药研究院, 天津市中药药理重点实验室 300193
关键词:  乳香  没药  胆汁分泌  总胆汁酸  谷胱甘肽
基金项目:* 重大新药创制专项基金项目(2011ZX09201-201-21)
Influence of Olibanum and Myrrha on bile secretion
ZHU Tao-tao, WANG An-hong, ZHOU Kun, LU Guo-yan, MA Zhi-hui
Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Pharmacology, Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To evaluate the influence of Olibanum and Myrrha on bile secretion.[Methods] Wistar rats were treated with Olibanum, Myrrha and Olibanum + Myrrha, 3.0 g/kg once a day for 2 weeks and the control group treated with water. After the last administration, bile samples of each group were collected. The level of total bile acid (TBA), and glutathione (GSH) in bile were determined respectively. Protein levels of farnesoid receptor (FXR), bile salt export pump (BSEP) were determined by Western blot, bile samples of each group and Olibanum. Myrrha were extracted with ethyl acetate and determined by HPLC.[Results] Compared with control group, three treatment groups had a higher bile flow but lower concentrations of TBA and GSH in bile(P<0.05). The amount of TBA in bile of Olibanum and Olibanum + Myrrha groups increased significantly (P<0.05), while the amount of GSH had no obvious difference to all the treatment groups. Protein level of BSEP had no difference when compared with control group, while FXR had a tendency of increasing. The treatment groups had a peak value of Olibanum and Myrrha at 2~5 min, while control group did not have.[Conclusion] Olibanum and Myrrha can increase the bile secretion favorably, but the amount of TBA in bile is not increased. The probable reason is that Olibanum, Myrrha or their metabolites can competitively inhibit the excretion of TBA when they excreted into bile duct.
Key words:  Olibanum  Myrrha  bile secretion  TBA  GSH