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柳学洙, 陈宝贵, 陈慧娲, 寇子祥, 张美英
301700 天津市武清中医院
张锡纯先生为近代中西汇通学派代表人物之一,其学术思想对近代中医界产生了深远的影响。先生的弟 子们继承并发扬了其学术思想。文章重点从5 个方面概要介绍了先生的主要学术思想,分别为:1)药必亲尝,以辨 真伪;博览善悟,以求新解。2)读经典,师古义;重实效,创新方。3)注重调养,主张食疗。4)创“大气”理论,并发扬其 说。5)主张中西汇通。
关键词:  张锡纯  学术特点  研究
Talking about academic characteristic of ZHANGX-chun
LIU Xue-zhu, CHEN Bao-gui, CHEN Hui-wa, KOU Zi-xiang, ZHANG Mei-ying
Wuqing TCM Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin 301700, China
Zhang Xi-chun is one of the modern representatives of Chinese and Western integrated medicine genre. His academic thought has profound influence on modern traditional Chinese medicine. His disciples have inherited and carried forward his academic thought. Five aspects of his major academic thought were introduced in this paper: 1) Herbs must be tasted by himself in order to distinguish the authenticity and read extensively with thinking so as to get new comprehension. 2) Read classics and understand the ancient meaning and pay attention to actual effects and create new formula. 3) He has emphasized on nursing one's health and advocated diet therapy. 4) He has established theory of great Qi and developed it. 5) He advocated traditional Chinese and Western Medicine integrated.
Key words:  ZHANG Xi-chun  academic characteristic  exploration