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吴昊1, 唐利龙1, 邓华亮2, 赵勇3, 杨毅玲1, 赵燕1, 王天芳1, 王庆国1
100029 北京中医药大学;250355 山东中医药大学;3.030024 山西中医学院
[目的] 研究不同地区中医院校大学生的身心健康状况,为进行相关健康指导提供依据。[方法] 运用自拟躯体健康状况调查问卷、贝克焦虑量表、贝克抑郁量表和艾森克人格问卷简式量表作为测评工具,对北京中医药大学、山东中医药大学、山西中医学院521例在校二年级学生的身心健康状况进行了现场调查,并对不同地区的被调查人群进行比较分析。[结果] 521例被调查者中男187例,女334例;家庭生活事件发生率为12.7%,以“家庭经济困难”最为常见;个人生活事件发生率为6.5%,以“恋爱受挫”最为常见。山东地区被调查者抑郁、焦虑程度和躯体不适的出现频率较低,被调查者艾森克E表分值高,多具备外向型性格;山西地区被调查者有一定的躯体不适,抑郁和焦虑程度较高,艾森克P表和N表分值高于山东地区,有轻微的精神质和神经质倾向;北京地区被调查者躯体不适出现较多,抑郁和焦虑程度更高,并存在更高的精神质和神经质倾向。[结论] 中医院校的在校大学生的健康状况尚存在一些问题,部分学生属于高度抑郁和焦虑的状态;北京地区学生身心健康状况最严重。
关键词:  大学生  健康状况  现场调查
Research and analysis on condition of body and mind health of students in three college of traditional Chinese medicine
WU Hao1, TANG Li-long1, DENG Hua-liang2, ZHAO Yong3, YANG Yi-ling1, ZHAO Yan1, WANG Tian-fang1, WANG Qing-guo1
1.Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100029, China;2.Shandong University of TCM, Jinan 250355, China;3.Shanxi University of TCM, Taiyuan 030024, China
[Objective] The research focused on the students' physical and mental health in different college of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM), in order to provide basis for health guidance.[Methods] Research group compiled the health questionnaire,along with Beck Anxiety Inventory(BAI), Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Eysenck personality questionnaire (EPQ-RSC) as measuring tools. A field investigation conducted in 521 students which originate from Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, Shandong University of TCM and Shanxi University of TCM. Discussed the diversity of health condition.[Results] 521 examinees consist of 187 male, 334 female. The occurrence of family event was 12.7%. Item“economic difficulties” was the most common, the occurrence of personal event was 6.5%, and item “affection frustration” was the most common. The compliant of body and the level of depression and anxiety had low frequency of occurrence in Shandong examinee. They appeared to have extrovert type since they got highest points in E scale of EPQ. Part of Shanxi examinee emerged the body indisposed, and high level of depression and anxiety. The points of P scale and N scale were higher than Shandong examinee, that showed Shanxi examinee has slight tendency of psychoticism and neuroticism. Beijing examinee had more body indisposed, not only the highest tendency of psychoticism and neuroticism, but also the highest depression state and anxiety state in contrast to other two province. [Conclusion] The students' health condition in college of TCM exists problems, a small part of examinee expose to high level of depression and anxiety; Beijing students have the worst physical and mental health condition.
Key words:  college students  health condition  field investigation