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周渭, 赵小兵, 周梅, 付玲, 陈西, 唐建华, 万贵来, 王成朋, 张建红
重庆医科大学中医药学院附属铜梁中医院心内科铜梁 402560
[目的] 龙脂配方颗粒防治经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)术后冠脉再狭窄的有效性和安全性。[方法] 将符合具有PCI适应症并且PCI术后成功者及中医辨证为胸痹心痛(肾亏痰阻、气滞血瘀型)患者按随机数字表法分成试验组及对照组。对照组:PCI术后常规运用抗凝、抗血小板、降脂稳定斑块、扩冠脉治疗。试验组:在对照组基础上加用龙脂配方颗粒,疗程均为6个月。评价治疗PCI术后冠脉再狭窄的有效性和安全性。[结果] 龙脂配方颗粒治疗后支架再狭窄发生情况、中医症状、心绞痛、高敏C-反应蛋白(CRP)及血清总胆红素的改善情况均好于对照组,且均无不良事件发生。[结论] 在常规运用抗凝、抗血小板、降脂稳定斑块、扩冠脉治疗基础上,运用龙脂配方颗粒防治PCI术后冠脉再狭窄具有较好疗效,即使在合并糖尿病时,在中医症状、心绞痛、高敏CRP及血清总胆红素改善情况方面优于对照组,且临床使用安全。
关键词:  龙脂配方颗粒  PCI  再狭窄
Effect of prevention and treatment of Longzhipeifang granule on coronary artery restenosis after PCI operation
ZHOU Wei, ZHAO Xiao-bing, ZHOU Mei, FU Ling, CHEN Xi, TANG Jian-hua, WAN Gui-lai, WANG Cheng-peng, ZHANG Jian-hong
Tongliang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tongliang 402560, China
[Objective] To observe effect and safety of prevention and treatment of Longzhipeifang granule on coronary artery restenosis after PCI operation. [Methods] According to indication for PCI and PCI after the operation success and TCM syndrome differentiation for chest pain (kidney deficiency and phlegm, qi stagnation and blood stasis type) were randomly divided into experimental group and control group, in the control group conventional use of antithrombotic and antiplatelet agents, lipid-lowering, expansion of coronary plaque stability after PCI treatment, in the experimental group on the basis of the control group addition with Longzhipeifang granule, the course of treatment was 6 months, evaluation of effect and safe in patients of PCI after coronary restenosis. [Results] Longzhipeifang granule had better effect than the control group on stent restenosis occurrence, TCM symptoms, angina pectoris, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (CRP) and the serum total bilirubin, and there were no adverse events. [Conclusion] On the basis of routine use of antithrombotic and antiplatelet agents, lipid-lowering, expansion of coronary plaque stability,Longzhipeifang Granule has better effect in prevention and treatment of coronary restenosis after PCI, even in complicated with diabetes, has better effect than the control group in the TCM symptoms, angina pectoris, high sensitivity C-reactive protein and serum total bilirubin, also it is more safe.
Key words:  Longzhipeifang granule  PCI  restenosis