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冯其帅, 高丽娜, 崔元璐
天津中医药大学中医药研究院, 天津 300193
关键词:  细胞生物学  补肾中药  ATDC5细胞  软骨形成  软骨细胞
ATDC5: A well-characterized cell line of reflecting a complete chondrogenesis progress
FENG Qi-shuai, GAO Li-na, CUI Yuan-lu
Research Center of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
The malnutrition of bone and muscle is caused by the failure of liver and kidney in traditional Chinese medicine. Some effective components, isolated from nourishing kidney drugs have the widely pharmacological effects, which is similar to cytokines or hormones that are used for osteoarthritis treatment, tissue engineering and stem cell engineering. ATDC5 cell, derived from mouse teratocarcinoma AT805, is characterized as a chondrogenic cell line which goes through a sequential process analogy to chondrogenesis. Under the effects of the differentiation factors, such as cytokines, hormones, inorganic phosphate, etc, ATDC5 cells proliferate, gather and differentiate into proliferating chondrocytes. And then mineralized matrix is produced and proliferating chondrocytes subsequently differentiate into hypertrophic chondrocytes and are gradually replaced by bone. From system regulation factors, local regulation factors and cell culture conditions, this review will reveal the molecular mechanism of proliferation, differentiation and mineralization of ATDC5 cell, which provides the theory basis for cartilage development researches and high-throughput screening of effective components of Chinese traditional medicine.
Key words:  cell biology  nourishing kidney drugs  ATDC5 cell  chondrogenesis  chondrocytes