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张影月1, 韩亚亚1, 郝佳2, 王涛2, 刘二伟2
1.天津中医药大学中医药研究院, 天津 300193;2.天津市中药化学与分析重点实验室, 天津 300193
[目的]建立液相色谱-质谱/质谱联用法(LC-MS/MS)应用于同时测定不同炮制时间杜仲中主要成分京尼平苷(GP)、京尼平苷酸(GPA)、桃叶珊瑚苷(AU)、松脂醇二葡萄糖苷(SG)的定量分析方法,研究不同炮制时间对杜仲中4个指标成分在大鼠体内药代动力学行为的影响。[方法]按照杜仲的药典盐炮制方法炮制,分别于0、1、2、4 h取样。以马钱子素(MS)为内标,应用LC-MS/MS建立的方法测定不同炮制时间杜仲中4个目标成分含量及药代动力学入血成分含量。[结果]各目标成分在测定范围内呈良好线性关系;杜仲炮制时间宜控制在2 h较为合理。[结论]本研究从体内暴露角度描述了炮制对目标成分的影响,研究结果对杜仲的炮制和临床应用具有指导意义。
关键词:  杜仲  炮制  LC-MS/MS  药代动力学
Influence of processing time on Eucommia cortex and its pharmacokinetics study
ZHANG Ying-yue1, HAN Ya-ya1, HAO Jia2, WANG Tao2, LIU Er-wei2
1.Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Research, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China;2.Key Laboratory of Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medical Formulae, Ministry of Education, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objectives] To develop a set of LC-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination the compound of geniposide, geniposidic acid, aucubin and pinoresinol diglucoside in the different processed barks of Eucommia and for the analysis of biolcgical samples which contain the compound of geniposide, geniposidic acid, aucubin and pinoresinol diglucoside from the rats' oral administration of the Eucommia.[Methods] The Eucommia was processed with saline water according to Chinese pharmacopoeia. In the parch processing course, samples were randomly collected at 0, 1, 2 and 4 h respectively. Validation of a high performance liquid chromatography tandem triple quadrupole mass spectrometry LC-MS/MS (QQQ) method, with the strychni prime as internal standard, was used for the determination of the four target compounds in rats' plasma to study the pharmacokinetics of Eucommia.[Results] The determination methods with good precision and stability were suitable for the assay of Eucommia in the biological samples. It is reasonable to control the process time for Eucommia at 2 hours.[Conclusion] Additionally, these constituents demonstrated good pharmacokinetic properties in the body. The pharmacokinetics parameters in our research provided with information for the clinical application.
Key words:  Eucommia  processing  LC-MS/MS  pharmacokinetics