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贾山, 张紫薇, 孙如煜, 郑梦成, 杨冰, 杜守颖, 陆洋, 白洁, 李鹏跃
北京中医药大学中药学院, 北京 100102
关键词:  通窍散瘀滴鼻液  通窍散瘀微乳  葛根素  刺激性  在体鼻循环
Comparative study on the absorption of puerarin in the nasal circulation of Tongqiao stasis nasal drops and Tongqiao microemulsion
JIA Shan, ZHANG Ziwei, SUN Ruyu, ZHENG Mengcheng, YANG Bing, DU Shouying, LU Yang, BAI Jie, LI Pengyue
Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100102, China
[Objective] This study intends to study the irritation of Tongqiao nasal drops and Tongqiao microemulsion, and compare Tongqiao nasal drops and blood stasis Tongqiao microemulsion nasal absorption rate in rats.[Methods] This study compared irritating Tongqiao nasal drops and Tongqiao microemulsion by using toad palate cilia experiment. Study on nasal absorption characteristics of active component of puerarin in Tongqiao stasis nasal drops and Tongqiao microemulsion in rats by volume correction method in rats with nasal circulation.[Results] The results showed that irritation of Tongqiao nasal drops than Tongqiao microemulsion. The results showed that the rate constant of puerarin in the Tongqiao stasis nasal drops was (3.658±0.25)×10-3/min, and the rate constant of puerarin in the microemulsion was (2.732±0.29)×10-3/min. The nasal absorption of puerarin in Tongqiao nasal drops and Tongqiao microemulsion was consistent with the first-order rate process, which was the result of passive absorption.[Conclusion] Compared with the Tongqiao microemulsion in nasal absorption of Puerarin, Tongqiao nasal drops is faster than microemulsion, but microemulsion is low irritation, as Tongqiao microemulsion nasal preparation development provides a certain basis for a new dosage.
Key words:  Tongqiao nasal drops  Tongqiao microemulsion  puerarin  irritation  in vivo nasal circulation perfusion