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张哲, 王亚静, 周浩, 田倩瑜, 石惠姝, 王亚楠, 李金玲
天津中医药大学, 现代中药发现与制剂技术教育部工程研究中心, 天津 300193
[目的]探讨模糊综合评价法在蒲公英凝胶评价中的准确性及评价效果,为外用新剂型提供更准确有效的评价方法。[方法]采用星点设计优化处方,设定胶凝剂(卡波姆-940)、表面活性剂(PEG-40氢化蓖麻油)和润肤剂(异壬酸异壬酯)3个因素的用量为自变量,在优化过程中,应用模糊综合评价法对蒲公英凝胶的主观指标(外观、肤感)及客观指标(黏度),同时进行评价。[结果]凝胶最优处方为卡波姆-9 400.138 g,PEG-40氢化蓖麻油0.801 g,异壬酸异壬酯0.244 g,复合保湿剂2.62 g,抗氧化剂0.02 g,载药量1 g。根据最优处方制备的蒲公英凝胶,外观均匀细腻,肤感良好,黏度大小为2280 mPa/s,综合评分平均值为4.244分,与预测值4.230偏差小于1%。[结论]模糊综合评价法可同时对凝胶剂主、客观指标进行评价,得到的结果准确性高、重复性好。
关键词:  模糊综合评价  凝胶剂  主观指标  客观指标
Application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method in optimization of dandelion gelatin prescription
ZHANG Zhe, WANG Yajing, ZHOU Hao, TIAN Qianyu, SHI Huishu, WANG Yanan, LI Jinling
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Engineering Research Center of Modern Chinese Medicine Discovery and Preparation Technique of Ministry of Education, Tianjin 300193, China
[Objective] To investigate the accuracy and effect of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation in the evaluation of dandelion gelatin, so as to provide more accurate and effective evaluation methods for external use of new dosage forms.[Methods] The optimal formulation design, setting of gelling agent (Carbopol-940), surfactant (PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil) and emollients (isononanoic acid isononyl) dosage of three factors as independent variables, in the optimization process, the application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method for subjective index of dandelion (appearance, skin gel sense) and objective index (viscosity) were evaluated. Results:The optimal prescription for-940 carbomer gel 0.138 g, PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil 0.801 g, isononanoic acid isononyl ester compound 0.244 g, moisturizing agent 2.62 g, antioxidant 0.02 g, drug loading of 1 g. The dandelion gel prepared according to the optimum prescription has a uniform appearance, a good skin feeling and a viscosity of 2 280 mPa/s. The average of the comprehensive score is 4.244, and the deviation is 4.230 less than the predicted value of 1%.[Conclusion] The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method can evaluate the main and objective indexes of gel at the same time, and the result is high accuracy and good repeatability.
Key words:  fuzzy comprehensive evaluation  gelatin  subjective index  objective index