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田春颖, 孙璇, 庄淑涵, 关媛媛, 王泓午
天津中医药大学, 天津 301617
[目的]了解舌象分割技术的研究现况及发展趋势,为舌象客观化提供参考。[方法]基于中国知网、维普、万方及Pubmed数据库检索建库至2018年公开发表的舌象分割技术文献,利用Note Express 3.20、Excel 2016、SATI3.2、UCINET 6.0软件进行文献计量学及关键词共现网络分析。[结果]舌象分割技术文献研究整体呈上升趋势,北京工业大学居首位。主要基金资助为国家自然科学基金。根据普赖斯定律的要求,基本形成“核心作者群”。舌象分割以Snake模型和基于阈值的分割技术为主。关键词集中分布在“舌诊”“图像分割”“舌诊客观化”等方面。[结论]舌象分割技术研究仍需受到重视,国家政府应加大资助力度,加强研究机构间合作,尚存在一些舌象分割评价标准问题,需待改进。
关键词:  舌象  舌象客观化  图像分割技术  文献计量学
Bibliometric analysis of tongue segmentation techniques
TIAN Chunying, SUN Xuan, ZHUANG Shuhan, GUAN Yuanyuan, WANG Hongwu
Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 301617, China
[Objective] To understand the current situation and development trend of tongue image segmentation technology and provide references for the objectification of tongue image.[Methods] Based on the databases of CNKI,VIP,Wanfang Data and Pubmed,the literature on tongue segmentation technology published from the database construction to 2018 was retrieved,and the reference metrology and keyword co-emergence network analysis were performed using Note Express 3.20,Excel 2016,SATI 3.2 and UCINET 6.0.[Results] The literature of tongue image segmentation was on the rise,with Beijing university of technology in the first place. The main fund is the national natural science foundation of China. According to the requirements of price's law,the "core author group" is basically formed. Tongue segmentation is mainly based on Snake model and threshold-based segmentation technology. Keywords are mainly distributed in "tongue diagnosis", "image segmentation", "tongue diagnosis objectification" and other aspects.[Conclusion] Tongue segmentation technology research still needs to be paid attention to,the national government should increase funding,strengthen the cooperation between research institutions,there are still some tongue segmentation evaluation criteria problems,need to be improved.
Key words:  tongue image  objective tongue image  image segmentation technology  bibliometrics