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张思超1, 安丽君1, 钟佩茹1, 云琦2, 冯果3, 何新1
1.天津中医药大学, 天津 301617;2.疆特丰药业股份有限公司, 乌鲁木齐 830054;3.贵阳中医学院, 贵阳 550002
关键词:  小茴香挥发油  胃排空  肠推进  甲硫酸新斯的明
Effects of essential oil of fennel on gastric emptying and small bowel peristalsis in mice
ZHANG Sichao1, AN Lijun1, ZHONG Peiru1, YUN Qi2, FENG Guo3, HE Xin1
1.Tianjin University Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Chinese Materia Medica, Tianjin 301617, China;2.Xinjiang Tefeng Pharmaceutical Corporation, Ltd, Urumqi 830054, China;3.Guiyang College Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Basic Medicine, Guiyang 550002, China
[Objective] To study the effects of essential oil of fennel on gastric emptying and small bowel peristalsis in mice in vivo and contraction activity of the smooth muscle of rabbits and rats in vitro.[Methods] 1)Mice in vivo experiment:establishment of gastrointestinal motility disorder model by intraperitoneal injection of atropine in mice and establishment of gastric emptying and intestinal propulsion model by intraperitoneal injection of neostigmine in mice. Observation on the changes of intestinal propelling rate and gastric emptying rate of fennel essential oil on the above two model mice by feeding with nutritional semisolid paste. 2)Isolated intestinal smooth muscle experiment:the effects of essential oil of fennel on the movement of isolated intestine in rats and rabbits and its mechanism were studied by PowerLab15T biological signal acquisition system.[Results] Different concentrations of essential oil of fennel could inhibit intestinal propulsive and neostigmine induced hyperactivity in normal mice (P<0.05). And it has a significant inhibitory effect on the movement of rabbit small intestine in vitro as well (P<0.01).[Conclusion] Fennel essential oil has inhibitory effect on gastrointestinal motility in mice by enhancing cholinesterase activity. This study can provide theoretical basis for the preparation development and clinical use of fennel in the future.
Key words:  fennel  gastri emptying  small bowel peristalsis  neostigmine