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杨香燕1, 沙静涛2, 杜胜花1
1.陕西中医药大学, 咸阳 712046;2.西安市中医医院肛肠一科, 西安 710000
关键词:  肛门坠胀  情志  诊疗思路
Analysis of non-specific chronic anal distension ideas for the diagnosis and treatment of emotional diseases from multiple angles
YANG Xiangyan1, SHA Jingtao2, DU Shenghua1
1.Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang 712046, China;2.Department of Anorectal, Xi'an Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Xi'an 710000, China
This type of non-specific chronic anal distension is a common and refractory disease in the clinical clinic of proctology. Clinically,the classics of traditional Chinese medicine can be combined with the patient's condition for diagnosis and treatment. The etiology of this disease is mainly weak temper and uncomfortable liver qi,so the treatment principle focuses on "spleen supplementation" and "liver thinning". On this basis,the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine music therapy,empathy transference therapy and other treatment methods are proposed,and the multi-angle comprehensive treatment of such distension has a remarkable clinical effect. Combined with clinical experience,the author analyzes the diagnosis and treatment ideas of patients with such distension and emotional diseases from multiple angles of traditional Chinese medicine,in order to provide useful reference for improving the clinical diagnosis and treatment level of traditional Chinese medicine for this disease.
Key words:  chronic anal distention  emotions  diagnosis and treatment ideas