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Heat unique pathogen brings on diseases and it’s syndrome and treatment on Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber
Hits 1477  Download times 1757  Received:December 04, 2003  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2004.01.04
Key Words   heat pathagen;Syndrome treatment;Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber
Author NameAffiliation
MA Xiao-feng Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin 300193, China 
    Exogenous pathogen was neglected when discussing etiologieal factor of internal damage mixed disease on Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber. Wind, cold, mist, moist and diet were discussed on chapter one of the original work. Hot pathogen brings on diseases should be thought highly of. Hot pathogen was divided into foreign and internal produetion. It can bring on 40 kinds of disease and syndrome, whose prescriptions and treatments were abundant. This article discussed from two aspects: exo-heat brings on disease, inter-heat brings on disease and syndrome and treatment. 1) inter-heat was more than exo-heat to bring on disease on Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Chamber, inter-heat was conversed by exoheat. 2)Disease position of inter-heat was related to widespread, has not only organs heat but also viscera heat;property of inter-heat disease was divided into asthenia and sthenia;behavior of inter-heat was bringing on disease with other pathogens. 3)The method to cure heat was unique, besides the routine treatment of "to treat the cold syndrome with hot-natured drugs", sweet-warm herbs eliminating high fever, warming yang for reducing asthenia heat, norishing yin for promoting diuresis to remove stagnant heat, warming and activating coldness and sthenia to remove stagnant heat ,reviving yang for resuscitation to pseudo-heat, and so on. 4)The drugs with cold and heat were used together to harmonize yin and yang and dissolve cold-heat complex.

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