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Influence of Salvianolic acid B on pathomorphology in myocardial infarction rats
Hits 1445  Download times 1494  Received:January 18, 2004  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2004.01.06
Key Words   Salvianolic acid B;myocardial infarction;fibroblast;neonate blood capillary
Author NameAffiliation
FAN Ying-chang Tianjin University of TCM, Tiangjin 300193, China 
ZHAO Gui-feng Tianjin University of TCM, Tiangjin 300193, China 
ZHANG Wen-zhi 天津市脑系科中心医院 300152 
    [Objective] To explore the changes of pathomorphology in myocardial infarction(MI) rats after treatment with Salvianolic acid B(Sai B).[Methods] MI rats model was made by ligation of left anterior descending branch of coronary artery. Assay the percentage of myocardial infarction area in total areas of each group, counting the fibroblast and blood capillary of myocardial infarction region, and observe the intervention action of Salvianolic acid B on myocardial infarction.[Result] Sai B can decrease the myocardial infarction areas, promote the growth of blood capillary, and accelerate the plerosis of infarction focus.[Conclusion] Sai B can decrease the myocardial infarction areas and is one of the important material basal in Danshen and have satisfactory development and application prospect.

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