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Zhouhou Beiji Prescription and its textual research on origin and development in treating injury
Hits 1319  Download times 2557  Received:February 20, 2007  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2007.02.01
Key Words   GE Hong;Zhouhou Beiji Prescription;traum atic surgery
Author NameAffiliation
MA Wen-li Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China 
    To understand thecontribution ofGE H ong,apharm aceutistin ancientdynasty,on the development of traum atic surgery and compile and tidy up the specialties of diagnosis and treatment of severe traum a,open injury and restitution off racture dislocation in Zhouhou Beiji Prescription (A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergency) written up by GE Hong.Theacadem icthoughtin traum aticsurgery of GE Hong was discussed.It was understood that the therapeutic theory and method indicated by GE Hongin fourth century A.D. had veryim portant effecton thedevelopment of the traum aticsurgery in the laterage.

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