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Analysis of TCM syndromes at onset of stroke
Hits 1597  Download times 1887  Received:November 16, 2006  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2007.02.02
Key Words   TCM syndrome;ischemic stroke;hem orrhagic stroke
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Yu-hong The Second Hospital Affiliated to Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300150, China 
ZHANG Bo-li Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China 
    [Objective] To study the TCM syndrom esatonsetof ischemic and hem orrhagic stroke.[Methods] The symptom atic data were obtained and analyzed statistically by scale evaluation and according to the standard operating procedure (SOP).[Results] The proportion of each symptom satthe beginning of ischemic and hem orrhagic stroke was 58% and 41.2%,26.0% and 29.0%,21.1% and 26.0%,11.8% and 16.9%,6.2% and 16.8%,1.7% and 9.9% in fengtanyuzu syndrome (type of windphlegm blocking),qixuxueyu syndrome (blood stagnancy due to deficiency of QI),tanresfushisyndrome (phlegm heatand excess of FU-organ),yinxufengdong (wind syndrome due to deficiency of YIN),tanreneibisyndrome (retention of phlegm-heatin the interior),tanshim engshen syndrome (vertigo due to phlegm-damp) respectively.[Conclusion] The beginning syndrome ismostly appeared aswind-phlegm blocking in ischemic stroke.Retention of phlegm-heatin the interiorand vertigo due to phlegm-damp are appeared mostly in hem orrhagic when compared with ischemic.It is consisted with the characters of that the hem orrhagic stroke ismore dangerous than the ischemic one.

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