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Effect of massage on the largest momental angle at constant speed movement in patients with disease of vertebrae cervicales
Hits 1374  Download times 1536  Received:June 20, 2007  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2007.04.06
Key Words   disease of vertebrae cervicales;constant speed movement;massage;the largest momental angle
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Yan-guo The First Hospital Affiliated to Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China 
YAN Jun-tao The Yueyang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai, China 
FANG Min The Yueyang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai, China 
孙武权 The Yueyang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai, China 
朱燕 The Yueyang Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai, China 
王金贵 The First Hospital Affiliated to Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China 
    [Objective] Toexplore the characteristic of the largest momental angle of cervical muscles in health persons and patients with disease ofvertebrae cervicales and the intervention mechanism of massage. [Methods] The characteristic of the largest momental angle(APT) in the patients with disease of vertebrae cervicales was evaluated by myosthenometer at movement with constant speed. Forty patients with verte-brae cervicales in treatment group and thirty-nine health persons in control group were enrolled in this study. Each group was randomly divided intosub-group of young, middle-aged and senium. The characteristic of APT was determined before and after treatment, and after the first massage. [Results] The APT value of health person was permanent and hadn't obvious change with aging. The variation angle of 90°per second anteflexion and post-extend was 10~25 degree and 25~40 degree. The variation angle of 180° per second anteflexion and behind extend was 15~20 degree and 20~30 degree. The post-extend angle ofpatients with disease ofvertebrae cervicales had more obvious difference than that of health persons. The post-extend angle in this patients was 10 degree usually. The massage may improve post-extend of the largest momental angle, especially the APT value at post-extend. [Conclusion] The APT of health persons is an effective parameter to evaluate the characteristic of cervical muscles in patients with disease of vertebrae cervicales. Massage mayrecover the mechanics balance ofcervical muscles byimprovingthe largest momental angle.

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