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Blossoms in spring and fruit in fall, inherit the past create the future: celebrating Tianjin University of TCM for 50 years
Hits 1246  Download times 1366  Received:February 09, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2008.03.04
Key Words   Original scientific;innovation;harmony development
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Zhen-qiu Hunan University of TCM, 410007 Chang Sha, China 
YUAN Zhao-kai Hunan University of TCM, 410007 Chang Sha, China 
    The tradeitional Chinese medicine has gained a series of achievements since the establishment of new China under the concerning,attention paid by the Communist Party and the Country.As a treasure of our country the traditional Chinese medicine offered a great contribution for primitive innovation and therefore must be succeeded and improved for promoting the developing and prosperity of the Chinese nation.Tianjin univesity of Traditional Chinese Medicine,one of the earliest universities of TCM founded in China now has already become a advanced university in our country.

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