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General condition of TCM ancient literatures acquired from ancient remains in Japan
Hits 1441  Download times 1705  Received:March 25, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2008.03.05
Key Words   ancient remains in Japan;TCM ancient literatures;investigation
Author NameAffiliation
MA Ji-xing Chinese Science Academy of TCM, Beijing 100700, China 
    The objective was to introduce the general condition of TCM ancient literatures from ancient remains in Japan.The ancient literatures included three classifications.The first was TCM ancient literatures from ancient temple,including Huandi Neijing Taisu (Comprehensive Notes of the Yellow Emperor's Internal classic,YEIC),Huandi Neijing Mingtang Leishu (Ming Tang Books arranged by subject matter of YEIC),Xinshu Bencao (The Newly-revised Materia Medica) and Yifangshu (Bools of Medical Prescriptions),etc.The second was TCM ancient literatures from ancient remains including remained wood chips,in which nomen proprium,dosage,prescription and the literatures related with medicine were recorded.The ancient book in Okinawa included writing book and inscribed book.The literatures included Yifangdacheng,Moxibustion method and TCM ancient books.

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