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Research and study on medical morality of ZHANG Zhong-jing
Hits 1504  Download times 2001  Received:April 24, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2008.03.07
Key Words   ZHANG Zhong-jing;medical morality;research and study
Author NameAffiliation
KE Xue-fan Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai 201203, China 
HE Xin-hui Shanghai University of TCM, Shanghai 201203, China 
    The objective of this article was to explore the medical morality of ZHANG Zhong-jing from three aspects.The first was the purpose of medicine and protecting life.The doctor must service the people and couldn't distinguish the patients from poor and rich people.The life-cultivation idea of ZHANG Zhong-jing indicated that the responsibility of a doctor was to protect the life of patients.The second was the behavior and personality of a doctor.The doctor would be careful and graveness on diagnosis,treatment and nursing of the disease,etc.The doctor must be calm and steady when treating severe illness and mutation state of an illness.The third was to pay careful attention to the patients.The content included to emphasize the prevention,early treatment,medication in time and protection woman and Children.They would properly regulate the psychological damage and overcome selfish ideas.The third was basic requirement of a good doctor.The doctor must determine the treatment based on pathogenesis obtained through differentiation of symptoms and signs and basic prescription usage,including the dosage,dosage form,decocting method and treatment of adverse reaction,etc.

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