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Systemic research on syndrome of competing stagnation and heat each other
Hits 1342  Download times 2518  Received:April 02, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2008.03.08
Key Words   syndrome of stagnation and competing each other;cooling the blood and eliminating stagnated blood;systemic research
Author NameAffiliation
ZHOU Zhong-ying Nanjing University of TCM, Nanjing 210029, China 
    The suggestion of stagnation and heat competing each other syndrome improved and developed the pathogenesis differentiation of symptoms and signs and TCM therapeutics content.The main contents included the concept,formation,main pathology change,clinical symptoms,type,therapeutic principle of stagnated heat and the systemic research stagnation and heat competing each other syndrome and their significance.Two medical cases were here introduced.

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