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Reading book, buying book and collecting book
Hits 1248  Download times 1357  Received:March 15, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2008.03.09
Key Words   reading book;buying book;collecting book
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Can-jia Shandong University of TCM, Jinan, 250014, China 
    The article described the experience and sigh with emotion of the author in reading book, buying book and collecting book for several decades.The first was reading book.When reading,the book must be carefully selected.The book may be divided into four groups:reading only,key point reading,general reading and reference reading.The second was buying book.The writer had a heavy economy burden,but he could still buy book by saving on diet and simple life.The third was collecting book.The writer paid more attention to collect books and treasured them very much.

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