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Impression and clinical application of Prof. YAN De-xin about the academic idea and experience of the famous doctors in past generations
Hits 1676  Download times 1560  Received:April 06, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2008.03.10
Key Words   YAN De-xin;experience;TCM
Author NameAffiliation
HAN Tian-xiong Department of TCM, the Tenth People's Hospital of Tongji University, Shanghai, 200072, China 
YAN Qian-ling TCM Institute of Tongji University, Shanghai, 200072, China 
XING Bin Department of TCM, the Tenth People's Hospital of Tongji University, Shanghai, 200072, China 
颜新 TCM Institute of Tongji University, Shanghai, 200072, China 
    Practicing medicine for about 70 years Prof.YAN De-xin especially liked to explore the academic idea and clinical experience of the famous doctors in the past generations in the amateur time. On the basis of his own clinical experience,He elucidated these ideas and experience and put them into the clinical practice further.This article emphatically introduced the clinical comprehension of Prof. YAN De-xin on the academic ideas of ZHANG Zhong-jing,LI Dong-yuan,YE Tian-shi and WANG Qing-ren.He had a understanding of the method and prescription of ZHANG Zhong-jing and may applied them to treat fever diseases caused by exogenous pathogenic factors and many kinds of miscellaneous diseases with internal damage.Prof.YAN obeyed the theory of LI Dong-yuan and obtained some satisfactory effects in treating the disease of spleen and stomach.The method included invigorating spleen and tonifying qi,raising spleen qi,warming and invigorating spleen and kidney,tonifying the heart and spleen,invigorating spleen to remove phlegm and promoting digestion method,etc.YAN also obtained some obvious clinical effect in treating many kinds of refractory and complicated disease by applying warming and invigorating the kidney yang method of ZHANG Jing-yue.YAN was good at applying the theory of supporting Yin in stomach and pathogen usually intruding into collateral in protracted disease.Prof.YAN proposed the Heng method based on the theory of WANG Qing-ren.The Heng method could improve the organism function and metabolism,prevent and treat the disease by regulating qi and blood.Prof.YAN prepared a dry-electuary powder for apoplexy prevention based on the theory of WANG Qing-ren.

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