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Some records in practicing medicine
Hits 1266  Download times 1500  Received:May 12, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2008.03.11
Key Words   medical treatment;teaching;science research;writing;management
Author NameAffiliation
GAO Jin-liang Tianjin Institute of TCM, Tianjin 300120, China 
    Main experiences and viewpoints of the author in the medical treatment,teaching,scientific research,writing articles and management of practicing medicine for fifty years were described.It included 1) the song of welcoming new students.2) my graduation thesis.3) preparing lessons and teaching.4) acceptance met with five kinds of persons and two language presentation,etc.The acceptance of five kinds of persons implied acceptance met by Chinese people,scholar,officer,foreigner and businessman.The two language meant international language and professional language.5) To complete Ph. Dcandidate thesis in several stage.6) My viewpoints of medical morality was learning without limit and keeping in awe theory.The medical morality was the integration of knowledge and quality.The task belonged to the profession academy of TCM.8) learning to write a congratulation words.9) kindly practicing civil management,i.e.kindly treating every people,solve every problem and overcoming the our own shortcomings.10) To introduce medical science school of Jiuhe that had a plenty of science connotation and characteristic.The Jiuhe medical school was a large region and medical school conception and had obvious academic characteristic:honest,effective,open-minded and innovation.11) To think that traditional Chinese medicine was a kind of culture power:new confucian physician.The new confucian physician would understand the medicine,modern science and technology knowledge.

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