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Antidiabetic activity of traditional medicines in genetically type 2 diabetic mice
Hits 1861  Download times 2022  Received:February 12, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2008.03.14
Key Words   antidiabetic activity;KK-Ay;Fuscoporia oblique;Samallanthus sonchifolius
Author NameAffiliation
Torao Ishida Hi-tech Research Center, Suzuka University of Medical science 
WANG Wei 300193 Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China 
Toshihiro Miura Hi-tech Research Center, Suzuka University of Medical science 
    The present review summarizes the antidiabetic activity of Fuscoporiu oblique (Fuscoporia Murr.), Sumullunthus sonchifolius (Compositae) and Tangzhiqing, traditional medicines, in KK-Ay mice, an animal model of genetically type 2 diabetes with hyperinsulinemia. The water extrat of Fuscoporiu oblique (FO) reduced the blood glucose of KK-Ay mice 4 hours after a single oral administration when (ompared with the (ontrol. FO reduced the blood glucose of KK-Ay mice 6 weeks after repeated administration, and also significantly decreased the plasma insulin of KK-Ay mice under similar (onditions. However, FO did not affec[the blood glucose in normal mice. FO decreased the blood glucose in an insulin tolerance test. These results suggest that the antidiabetic activity of FO is derived,at least in part,from a decrease in plasma insulin, due to the decrease of insulin resistance.The water extras[of the leaf of Samallanthus souchifius (Yacon) redured the blood glucose and cholesterol of KK-Ay mice 6 weeks after repeated administration. However, Yacon did not affect the blood glucose in normal mice. Yawn also improved hyperglycemia after glucose tolerance. Yawn tended to decrease the blood glucose in an insulin tolerance test. These results suggest that Yacon is useful for hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia of type 2 diabetes.Tangzhiqing (TZ) (Mixture of Mulberry Leaf,Lotus Leaf, Danshen Root, and Hawthorn Leaf) reduced the blood glucose, total (holesterol and triglyceride levels of KK-Ay mice 4 weeks after oral administration. TZ also improved sucrose or maltose tolerance. The maltase activity in small intestine significantly decreased in the TZ-treated KK-Ay mice. These results support the hypothesis that TZ improves glucose metabolism by reducing of a -glycosidase activity. Therefore, it may be that TZ has a beneficial effect on hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia in type 2 diabetes.

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