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Two thoughts omitted in treating difficult and complicated diseases with TCM
Hits 1601  Download times 3024  Received:April 12, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2008.03.15
Key Words   Taiji gasification structure;Taiji resonance structure about whole conception of the sky and people;the whole conception of the sky and people and gold division;five evolutive phases and six climatic changes;potential strengthening body resistance system
Author NameAffiliation
WU Qi California University of TCM in U. S. A. 
    Sometimes,two important factors were omitted when treating difficult and complicated diseases with TCM.The first was five evolutive phases and six climatic changes theory and constitution structure of the patients.The second was Taiji gasification and Taiji resonance structure about whole conception of the sky and people.To treat these diseases,we must consider the whole conception of the sky and people,five evolutive phases and six climatic changes theory and integrate the strengthening body resistance of Taiji resonance structure about whole conception of the sky and people.This method may be possible to arouse self-restoration system of the body.

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