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Research of presenting symptoms differentiation and treatment nethod on governing diseases based on syndrome
Hits 1410  Download times 1316  Received:October 12, 2008  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2009.01.01
Key Words   presenting symptoms differentiation and treatment method;governing diseases based on syndrome;treatment of special disease
Author NameAffiliation
GUO Zheng-qiu Hunan University of TCM, Changsha 410007, China 
    The presenting symptoms differentiation and treatment method was the inherit and development of determination of treatment based in pathogenesis obtained through differential diagnosis of diseases and differentiation of symptoms and signs,was also the innovation of governing diseases based on syndrome and treatment of special disease.The characteristic of presenting symptoms differentiation and treatment method was grasping presenting symptoms,carrying out ordered four diagnostic methods which included to inquire,inspection,listening and smelling examination and pulse-feeling and palpation,determine the name of disease,treatment method and formula,etc.

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