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Effects of compound Kushen injection on expression of Bcl-2/Bax and P27 in human endometrial cancer HEC-1B cell
Hits 1696  Download times 1916  Received:February 18, 2012  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2012.02.10
Key Words   compound Kushen injection;human endometrial cancer;anti-tumor;apoptosis;experimental study
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Wen-jin National Engineering Research Center for R&D of TCM Multi-ingredient Drugs, Beijing 100075, China
Tianjin University of TCM, Tianjin 300193, China 
PENG Yao National Engineering Research Center for R&D of TCM Multi-ingredient Drugs, Beijing 100075, China
Beijing University of TCM, Beijing 100102, China 
LIAN Zeng-lin National Engineering Research Center for R&D of TCM Multi-ingredient Drugs, Beijing 100075, China 
JIN Ran National Engineering Research Center for R&D of TCM Multi-ingredient Drugs, Beijing 100075, China 
LI Jin-sheng National Engineering Research Center for R&D of TCM Multi-ingredient Drugs, Beijing 100075, China 
HAI Li-na Beijing Zhendong Guangming Pharmaceutical Institute Co.Ltd, Beijing 100120, China 
    [Objective] To explore the effects of compound Kushen injection (Yanshu) on Bcl-2/Bax,P27 expression in endometrial cancer HEC-1B cell.[Methods] Using MTT method the inhibition of HEC-1B cell proliferation treated by compound Kushen injection, Kushen injection, Baituling injection and DDP injection was detected. Using RT-PCR method their expression of Bcl-2/Bax and P27 was also detected.[Results] Compound Kushen injection and Kushen injection could inhibit the proliferation of HEC-1B cell and the effect was dosedependent. The expression of Bcl-2 gene was reduced significantly while Bax and P27 gene were risen on mRNA level treated for 48 h by compound Kushen injection, Kushen injection and DDPC injection (P<0.05).[Conclusion] Compound Kushen injection and Kushen injection can inhibit the expression of Bcl-2 and promote the expression of Bax and P27. Compound kushen injection and it's active ingredients Kushen can reduce Bcl-2 expression in HEC1B cell while rise Bax and P27 gene on mRNA level.

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