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Thought and experience of syndrome-differentiated treatment in pain syndrome
Hits 1884  Download times 1626  Received:November 28, 2012  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2013.01.01
Key Words   pain syndrome;syndrome-differentiation;thought;experience
Author NameAffiliation
ZHOU An-fang Hubei University of TCM, Wuhan 430061, China 
    It is considered that the pathogenesis of pain syndrome includes stagnation-leading pain, poison damage-inducing pain and lusterless-leading pain; the principle of treatment is symptomatic therapy mainly in severe illness and radical therapy in mild; the treatment methods of pain syndrome include syndrome-differentiated treatment and meridian-differentiated; detailed scrutiny of the pathogenesis is the key to increase the curative effect, and stagnation can not be painful and the pain can not be companied with stagnation. The pain induced by stagnation and lusterless is usually combined. The key point of increasing curative effect is compatibility medication elaborately. The appropriate compatibility of indirect and direct painkillers, broad-spectrum analgesics and specific effect of analgesics, meridian distribution analgesics and meridian-guiding analgesics, medicine of eliminating cold to stop pain and expelling heat to alleviate pain can fully expand their synergistic analgesic effect.

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