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Theory of state of viscera in kidney and its clinical application
Hits 1686  Download times 1813  Received:September 20, 2013  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2014.01.01
Key Words   kidney;state of viscera;theory;clinical application
Author NameAffiliation
ZHOU An-fang Hubei University of TCM, Wuhan 430065, China 
    The kidney has vital essence and vital QI, governing growth and reproduction, governing water metabolism, improving inspiration, governing gasification, producing marrow and governing bone, supporting brain and transforming blood, controlling urination and defecation, etc.. The syndrome of its dysfunction was manifested in many aspects, mainly in gasification, hibernating and storage, astringent deficiency or excess, growth, sexual activity, urination, development, reproduction, producing marrow, deficiency in transforming blood, urination deficiency or excess etc. In the treatment it must be divided into deficiency or excess treating with invigorating or purgation.

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