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Re-discussing nomenclature of Ashi point
Hits 2255  Download times 2678  Received:October 12, 2013  
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DOI   10.11656/j.issn.1673-9043.2014.01.04
Key Words   Ashi point;nomenclature;acupoint
Author NameAffiliation
YE Ming-zhu Jiangsu Community Health Service Center in Changning District, Shanghai 200050, China 
FENG He-chang Qiujiang Geriatric Nursing Hospital in Zhabei District, Shanghai 200070, China 
    This article argued that the earliest acupuncture scholar thought "Ashi" as the Wu dialect was GUO Jia-liang in Taiwan in the 70s of the last century. Thenceforth, LI Chu et al. pointed out:"Ashi" is the common question language of Wu dialect."Ashi" meaned "whether or not". Wu dialect is one of the important ancient Chinese dialect, there were records of it before Jin and Tang Dynasty. Record about"Ashi" in "Qian Jin Fang" of SUN Si-miao was the earliest text of the Wu dialect. "Summary of acupuncture and moxibustion" classified "Ashi point" as one of the acupoints earliestly. "Ashi method" was the principle of acupoint selection, while "Ashi point" just used this method, both of them had a causal relationship. "Ashi method" was the methods of "the pressure pain point was selected as needled point" and "pressure the pain point comfortably" recorded in the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", which was not a unique method of acupoint selection. We can not put forward the concepts such as "anti Ashi point" arbitrarily.

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